Canterbury Society of Arts

All these artists exhibited with the Canterbury Society of Arts at some time between 1881 and 1995.
The CSA was founded in 1881 and held an annual exhibition until 1995 when it closed and was re-launched as the Centre of Contemporary Art (CoCA). Its archive is held at the Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū.
The names are taken from Canterbury Society of Arts, 1880-1996: Conformity and Dissension Revisited, a thesis prepared by Dr Warren Feeney.
CSA annual exhibition catalogues from 1881 to 1980 have been digitised and are available online. No complete, original copy of the 1881 catalogue has been found. If you know of one, please tell us.
2008 artists
Filter by year
- Acland, Bessie
- Adams, Grace
- Adams, James
- Adams, R. L.
- Adamson, M. B.
- Aires, Raymond
- Aitken, Belle
- Aitken, Chrystabel
- Aitken, M. H.
- Akins, Florence
- Alexander, E. N.
- Alexander, Fred
- Alexander, Nan
- Allan, J. C.
- Allan, J. P.
- Allan, Julie
- Allan, W. H.
- Allen, W. H.
- Alsop, E.
- Anderson, G. L.
- Anderson, Gladys L.
- Anderson, Margaret
- Anderson, R. J.
- Andrew, B. A.
- Andrews, Constance I.
- Andrews, E. M.
- Andrews, E. M.
- Andrews, W.
- Angus, Rita
- Annesley, Mabel
- Appleby, Douglas
- Arden, Francis Hamar
- Arndt, Mina
- Arscott, D.
- Ashford, E. M.
- Ashken, Tanya
- Ashmore, P. G.
- Ashton, Dorothy
- Askew, Maurice
- Aston, Murray
- Atcherley, Henry Mount Langton
- Atchley, Janet
- Atkins, Mollie
- Atkinson, Esmond Hurworth
- Attwood, R. D.
- Attwood, Thomas Reginald
- Austin, A.
- Austin, B.
- Austin, Ethel
- Avent, F. S.
- Avery, Alice Lethbridge
- Bach, Guido
- Badcock, Douglas
- Baillie, John Denzil
- Bailly, E.
- Bain, Norma
- Baird, Annie
- Balfour, E.
- Balfour, James
- Balfour, James Lawson
- Balfour, W. L.
- Ball, G.
- Ball, T
- Ball, Thomas
- Ball, W.
- Ballantyne, Kenneth Morrin
- Ballantyne, R. A.
- Bamford, H. A.
- Banbury, Grant
- Bancroft, Ria
- Banfield-Jennens, Mrs
- Baraki, Bashir
- Barclay, W. de R.
- Barham, Monica F.
- Barke, J.
- Barker, Annie
- Barker, Constance
- Barker, J.
- Barker, Jessie
- Barker, M.
- Barker, Norman
- Barnes, Pamela
- Barnett, Dorothy
- Barnicoat, K. E.
- Barnicoat, R.
- Barns-Graham, Allan Barclay
- Barr, Phyl
- Barraud, A. J.
- Barraud, Charles Decimus
- Barraud, E. Noel
- Barraud, Francis Philip
- Barraud, H. P.
- Barraud, John
- Barraud, W. M.
- Barraud, William Francis
- Barraud, William Mowbray
- Barrer, Margaret
- Barrett, E.
- Barrett, E. J.
- Barron, Nola
- Bartlett, Myrtle
- Bartley, E.
- Bartley, Edwin
- Barton, Cranleigh
- Barton, G. E.
- Barton, Graham
- Bartos, Mary
- Bary, L. J.
- Bascand, Audrey
- Bastings, Henri
- Bathghate, G. C.
- Batten, Joan
- Baumber, E.
- Baverstock, H. S.
- Baverstock, William S.
- Baxter, Alfred E.
- Baxter, Nancy Waller
- Bean,
- Beath,
- Beath, R. C.
- Beattie, Veira
- Beauchamp, Dick
- Beauchamp, Robert Proctor
- Beaumont, Rosa
- Beaven, Peter
- Beechey, Elizabeth
- Beere, Alfred
- Beere, Valerie
- Beetham, George
- Beetham, R. F. R.
- Beetham, Richmond
- Beetham, William
- Beken, Olive
- Bell, E.
- Bell, Enid
- Bell, G.
- Bell, G.
- Bell, Lucy
- Bell, Napier
- Bell, W. F.
- Bendall, Edith Kathleen
- Bender, Arthur A.
- Benham, G. Lucy
- Bennett, Beverley Shore
- Bensemann, Leo
- Berry, Peter
- Berry, W. P.
- Bestall, Leo D.
- Beswick, Florence
- Beswick, H. J.
- Beswick, T. F.
- Bethune, Phyllis Drummond
- Bett, Elva
- Beumelburg, Rhoda E.
- Beuth, Emilie
- Beveridge, Nora
- Bickerton, Charles E
- Billings, Kathleen Wyatt
- Birch, C. V.
- Birch, Samuel John Lamorna
- Bird, J. M.
- Bird, Rata
- Bishop, K.
- Bishop, K. E.
- Bishop, M. A.
- Bisley, Jeanette
- Black, J. Y.
- Black, June
- Black, S.
- Blacke, Annie Taylor
- Blackett, Isabel M.
- Blakeley, Rita
- Blakeley, S.
- Bleakley, Stanley T.
- Blick, M.
- Blikshavn, Dawn
- Blomfield, Charles
- Bloxam, E. A.
- Bloxham, Arnall I.
- Bloxham, H. W.
- Blunt, E. G.
- Blunt, E. M.
- Blunt, Edith Blanche
- Blunt, T. G. R.
- Boag, N.
- Bodle, Winifred
- Bolam, M.
- Bolland, W. Allen
- Bollard, A. E.
- Bollard, William Allen
- Bolton, Nancy
- Booth, Leonard
- Borrie, Margaret
- Bosboom,
- Bower, E.
- Bower, E.
- Bower, Mary
- Bower, R. S.
- Bowie, Doris
- Bowker, E.
- Bowring, Violet
- Bowring, Walter Armiger
- Boyd, A. S.
- Boyes, A. E.
- Boyes, Edith
- Boys,
- Boys,
- Bracey, Edward N.
- Bradley,
- Bradley, A. E.
- Bradley, Ada
- Bradley, G. W.
- Braithwaite, Isabel
- Branfill, Benjamin
- Brasell, G. E.
- Brass, Clarice
- Brassington, Claudius
- Breach, D. R.
- Brent, Angus
- Bridge, W.
- Brightmore, Cynthia
- Brister, Stanley G.
- Britten,
- Brittenden, James
- Brock, Edward John
- Brock, Thelma
- Brock, W.
- Brockett, S. M.
- Brokenshire, David
- Brook, Esther Mary
- Brooke, André
- Brooke Smith, J.
- Brookesmith, Frank
- Broom, L.
- Broom, L. E.
- Brough, Catherine
- Brown, Doris Herbert
- Brown, F. R.
- Brown, H. Macmillan
- Brown, Helen
- Brown, R. E. Bevan
- Browne, Alan C.
- Browne, Coreen
- Browne, Kathleen
- Browne, Ruth D.
- Bruce, Edna
- Bruce, M. E.
- Bruce, P. J.
- Bruce, T. H.
- Bruges,
- Bruning, J. P.
- Brunsden, Clifford
- Bryan, V.
- Bryant, Colin
- Bryce, Colin
- Buchanan, J.
- Buchanan, John
- Buchanan, John
- Buchanan, N. L.
- Buckeridge, S.
- Buckett, David
- Buckhurst, S.
- Buckhurst, Stephanie
- Bull, Noeline
- Burgess, Ruth
- Burke, Marianne
- Burnett, Vera
- Burt, Joseph Hector
- Burton, Aileen
- Burton, I.
- Burton, Ida H.
- Burton, Iona
- Burton, J.
- Buss, Fanny
- Buster, Stanley G.
- Butler, Aileen G.
- Butler, George Edmund
- Butler, Grace
- Butler, Margaret
- Byles, W. Hounsom
- Cairncross, Sam
- Calcutt, Brian
- Cambridge, Allan Bowles
- Cameron, Colin F.
- Cameron, H. C.
- Cameron-Lewis, Louise
- Cameron-Smith, Roberta
- Campbell, C. H.
- Campbell, H.
- Campbell, Hazel
- Campbell, Jennie
- Campbell, Jenny
- Camps-Campins, Joan
- Candy, F. S.
- Cane, Thomas
- Carey, Ida H.
- Carl, Lillie
- Carnaby, Jewell
- Carr, Bridget
- Carr, H. M.
- Carrington, G. W.
- Carter, W. H.
- Carter, W. H. Jnr
- Carvell, J. S.
- Casbolt, Lawrence B.
- Castle, L. R.
- Caulier, Ethel B.
- Cederman, Mary R.
- Chapman, C.
- Chapman, E. C.
- Chapman, H.
- Chapman, Hilda
- Chapman, J. M.
- Chapman, Jessie
- Chapman, Vera
- Chapman, W. Ernest
- Chapple,
- Chapple, B. C.
- Chapple, Bessie E.
- Chapple, E. B.
- Charman, Anne
- Chaytor, Susan
- Checkley, John
- Cheer, David
- Chevalier, Nicholas
- Chilvers, Robert
- Chirnside, Neil
- Chong, Teh Tien
- Christeller, Eva
- Christie, Bessie
- Christie, Helen
- Christmas, E. W.
- Clark, C.
- Clark, Edwin
- Clark, L.
- Clark, Russell
- Clarke, E.
- Clarke, E. M.
- Clarke, L.
- Clarkson, A. F.
- Clarkson, W. A. P.
- Clayton, Gaynor
- Clement, Dorothea
- Clogstoun, J.
- Clouston, R. S.
- Coates, Andrew
- Coats, Jane
- Coe, James Bowkett
- Cole, Herbert Robert
- Cole, Muriel
- Coleman, Joan
- Coley, John
- Colgan, E. V.
- Collier, B. S.
- Collier, Edith
- Collier, Mabel
- Collins,
- Collins, Alice Beville
- Collins, B. Y.
- Collins, Barbara
- Collins, D. K.
- Collins, Doris
- Collins, Hilary
- Collins, J. G.
- Connolly, Sally
- Cooch, William J.
- Cook, Alfred
- Cook, Edna
- Cook, F. J.
- Cook, Fredrick J.
- Cook, H.
- Cook, Harvey
- Cook, James
- Cook, Lois
- Cook, Maurice
- Cook, O. M.
- Cook, Olive
- Cook, Rita
- Cooke, M.
- Cooke, Ursula
- Coolahan, Kate
- Coombs, Salome
- Cooper, Thornhill
- Copeland, Ivy
- Copland, Joan
- Coppard, Clarice
- Correa-Hunt, Anna
- Cotton, Pamela
- Cousins, Thomas Selby
- Coutts, Margaret W.
- Cowan, Roy
- Cowan, Shona
- Cowey, Donald
- Cowie, David
- Cox, Olga
- Cox, Oliver Gordon
- Cox, Winifred
- Craig, A. E.
- Crawley, E. N.
- Crawley, Nan
- Crippen, J. W.
- Crisp, Violet
- Critchley, T. S.
- Crocker, J.
- Crook, Gordon
- Cross, Helene
- Cross, Joyce
- Crosse, Joyce
- Crothal, G. C.
- Crothall, Gwen
- Crothall, Romola
- Crowe, C.
- Croxton, F.
- Croxton, M.
- Cuff, Eileen
- Cuff, I. C.
- Culliford, Eliza Gillett
- Cumming, William Walter
- Currie, Lula
- Curtis, Vera
- d'Auvergne Boxall, Arthur
- Daniel,
- Daniel, Mary
- Daniell, G. K.
- Danks, A.
- Daplyn, A. J.
- Darby, Anne
- Darling, A. M.
- Darroch, Duncan
- Darwin, Mary Beatrice
- Davidson, E. B.
- Davidson, E. F.
- Davie, Anna
- Davie, E. C.
- Davies, Norman
- Davis, Cassandra
- Davis, G.
- Davis, Teenie
- Davison, Norah
- Dawson, Amy B.
- Dawson, Ella
- Dawson, R.
- Dawson, W. A.
- Day, Heather
- De Beer, Dora
- De Butts, Brenda
- de Lange, Gennie
- De Roo, F. M.
- Deakin, E.
- Dean, Edith M.
- Dean, Frank
- Deanden, M.
- Deans, Austen
- Deans, Eva
- Delph, B. B.
- Dennison, Joan
- Denniston, M. J.
- Denniston, Violet
- Dephoff, Harold
- Deverell, F.
- Dick, Jean
- Dickenson, D.
- Dickinson, Roy J.
- Dickison, Joy J.
- Dickison, Roy
- Dicksee, Herbert
- Dickson, James W.
- Dickson, Janet M.
- Diston, S. W.
- Dixon, Catherine
- Dixon, Nora
- Dobie, Beatrix C.
- Donn, Robert
- Donnithorne, Don
- Doudney, Eric J.
- Douglas, June
- Douglas, K. M.
- Doust, Ethelwyn
- Dovarro, May F.
- Downs, Evelyn A.
- Drawbridge, John
- Driver, Meste
- Drurey, J.
- Drury, Alfred
- Dudley, W. S.
- Dukes, Joan
- Duncan, Campbell
- Duncan, Catherine
- Dunn, Bessie Dyke
- Dunn, C.
- Dunn, C. A.
- Dunn, Charles Arthur
- Dunstan, A. H.
- Duportal, Maurice
- Durant, Audrey
- Durey, J.
- Durrand, A. L.
- Durrant, D.
- Dyer, Rona
- Dykema, D. J.
- Earle, Augustus
- Earwaker, W. S.
- Easton, E. M.
- Eaton, B.
- Eaton, Barbara
- Eaton, Michael
- Ebel, Michael
- Edgar, H.
- Edgar, H. J.
- Edgar, H. J.
- Edgar, Hilda
- Edgar, J. D. Charlton
- Edgar, Joan
- Edgar, Joan K.
- Edmiston, M. M.
- Edwards, George William
- Eichelbaum, Vera
- Eise, Ida
- Eise, J. G.
- Ellerbeck, Kate
- Elliott, George
- Elliott, Jessie
- Ellis, A. B.
- Ellis, C. C. A.
- Ellis, Christine
- Ellis, Eva
- Ellis, F. V.
- Ellis, Francis D.
- Ellis, Mary Mackenzie
- Ellis, Rona
- Ellis, S. H.
- Ellis, St John
- Elmsley, Thomas
- Elsom, Olive
- Elsom, Vy
- Elworthy, Rona E.
- England, J. M.
- England, Robert
- England, Robert West
- Ensor, Judith
- Esplin, Clark
- Esplin, Tom
- Evans, Lewis
- Evans, M. H.
- Evatt, Jessamine
- Everist,
- Everist, L.
- Every, M. E.
- Eyles, Cecil W.
- Fagan, K.
- Fahey, Jacqueline
- Fairholm, W. E.
- Fairthorne, Ethel
- Falcon, D. R.
- Fanning, Joan
- Farr, J. C.
- Fear, Patricia R.
- Feary, Patricia
- Fell, Charles
- Fenner, E. A.
- Fenton, Gussie
- Fenton, Pat
- Fenwick, Cecil G.
- Fereday, Richard William
- Ferguson, Peter
- Fergusson, Alice
- Ferrier, S. Straton
- Ferrier, William
- Ffitch, Henry
- Field, Anne
- Field, E. K.
- Field, Robert
- Field, Robert Nettleton
- Field, Thane
- Field, Tom
- Field, W. S.
- Fielder, Leonard
- Fife, Ivy
- Filshie, A. H.
- Findlay, Edith A.
- Findley, Maria E. S.
- Fisher, Dorothy
- Fisher, J. G. Rollo
- Fitchett, Margaret
- Fitzgerald, G.
- Fitzgerald, James
- Fitzherbert, G. H.
- Fleming, Rona
- Fletcher,
- Fletcher, Blythe
- Fletcher, E.
- Fletcher, F.
- Fletcher, Frances Ann
- Fletcher, Norman F. G.
- Flint, C. F.
- Flint, C. W.
- Flute, Noeline E.
- Fodor, George F.
- Fogarty, Charles Watson
- Fogden, June E.
- Foley, C.
- Fomison, Tony
- Ford, Annie
- Forrester, Alan
- Forrester, Alan McC.
- Fowler, Barbara E.
- Fox, Helen B.
- Fox, Helen C.
- Fox, Helen E. O.
- France, N.
- France, Norman
- Francis, Heather
- Francis, Phyllis M.
- Fraser, Brian
- Fraser, Doreen
- Fraser, G. A.
- Fraser, H. R. I.
- Fraser, J. E.
- Fraser, John E.
- Fraser, Margaret
- Fraser, Ruth
- Frazer, B. H.
- Freeman, Eva G.
- Freeman, Norman
- Freyberg, F. P.
- Friberg, Elizabeth Baird
- Fristrom, Edward
- Fromuth, C.
- Fudge, F. P.
- Fuller,
- Fuller, E. Murray
- Fulton, Dorothy
- Furlonger, Stephen
- Gair, L.
- Gallagher, T. F.
- Gard'ner, Mima
- Gard'ner, Nora
- Gardner, Edith
- Gardner, F. E.
- Gardner, Nora M.
- Garnham, George H
- Garsia, Haly
- Gaze, W.
- Gear, Arthur Handel
- Gee, M. A. L.
- Gee, Matilda
- Genet, G. A.
- Genet, George
- Gentil, Charles
- George, Bruce
- Gerard, B. D.
- Gerard, Barbara D
- Gerson, Ernest
- Gibb, A Mildred
- Gibb, Annie
- Gibb, John
- Gibb, June
- Gibb, Marian Menzies
- Gibb, William Menzies
- Gibbs, Stella
- Gibson, H. J.
- Gibson, Helen F
- Gibson, Jack
- Gifford, E. A.
- Gilbert, May O.
- Gilderdale, J.
- Gill, E. J.
- Gill, Janice
- Gill, Robert Askew
- Gillbray, John
- Gillies, Craig W.
- Glanville, S.
- Glubb, Ethel
- Goddard-Collins, J.
- Godden, A. B.
- Godfrey, R. H.
- Goldie, Charles Frederick
- Goldmsith, E. G.
- Goldsmith, Sydney D.
- Gooder, Catherine
- Gopas, Rudolf
- Gordon, A.
- Gordon, Leslie
- Gore, Henry Moreland
- Gore Adams, Ormsby
- Gorton, Patricia E.
- Gosset, H. J.
- Gossett, C. H.
- Gossett, H. J.
- Gould, Valerie
- Gouldsmith, Edmund
- Goyen, Van
- Graetzer, Grete
- Graham, Bruce
- Graham, David
- Graham, S. B.
- Grant, Leda
- Grant, Lexie
- Grant Taylor, Dorothy
- Gray, A.
- Gray, Angus
- Gray, Louise
- Grayson, F.
- Greathead, Aston
- Green, C. L. S.
- Green, H. H.
- Green, W.
- Greene, J.
- Greene, W.
- Greene, William
- Greener, Leslie
- Greenstreet, E. J
- Greenwood, B.
- Greenwood, M. B.
- Greenwood, N.
- Griffiths, Gary
- Gross, Frank
- Gross, Joan
- Grosse , S.
- Gubbins, Beatrice
- Gully, Eric N.
- Gully, John
- Gunson, E.
- Gurnsey, Frederick George
- Guthrie,
- Guthrie, J. S.
- Guthrie, K. M.
- Guthrie, R. M.
- Hacon,
- Hale, L.
- Halkett, K. E.
- Hall, Blanche R.
- Hall, E. J.
- Hall, F. V.
- Hall, Isabel
- Hall, J. H.
- Hall, J. M. D.
- Halsted, Frances
- Halvorsen, M.
- Hamber,
- Hamber, D.
- Hamblett, Anne
- Hamilton, R. M.
- Hamilton, William James Warburton
- Hampton, S.
- Hanafin, Edna
- Handley, B.
- Handyside, K. M.
- Hanly, J. P.
- Hansard, G. A.
- Hansby, Moya
- Hanson, Albert J.
- Hanson, F.
- Harboe, John
- Harden, C. J.
- Harding, C.
- Harkness, Muriel
- Harman, Richard S. Dacre
- Harré, A.
- Harris, Edwin
- Harris, Emily Cumming
- Harris, Marjorie
- Harris, N.
- Harrison, Rodger
- Harrison-Smith, Jocelyn
- Hart, L.
- Hart, Sylvia M.
- Hartley, Margaret
- Harvey, N. B.
- Haslam,
- Hassall, K. W.
- Haszard, Rhona
- Hatrick-Smith, Deirdre
- Haward, Mary E.
- Hawcridge, Robert
- Hawker,
- Hawker, E. N.
- Hawker, H. M.
- Hawker, H. N.
- Hawkins, Myrtle
- Hay, David
- Hay-Campbell, Charles Duncan
- Hayes, Inez
- Hayhurst, Rita
- Hayward, Edward Beauvais
- Heaney, Constance
- Hearn, Nan
- Hearnshaw, Vickie
- Heginbotham, Joseph Alfred
- Heinz, Valerie Olga
- Helmore, D. W.
- Helmore, H. G.
- Helmore, M
- Henderson, A. Kennaway
- Henderson, Louise
- Henning, Vena
- Henry, E. K.
- Hentschel, Fritz O.
- Herber, Nicolas
- Herbert, Samuel
- Herdman-Smith, Robert
- Hervey, S. G.
- Hessey, M. A.
- Hewitt, Anne P.
- Hewlings, C.
- Hewson, Ngaire
- Heysen, Hans
- Heywod, M.
- Heywood, H. P.
- Heywood, M.
- Hichens, E. B.
- Higgs, Avis
- Higgs, Sydney Hamlet
- Hilder, Ellis
- Hill, C. J.
- Hill, E.
- Hill, E. M.
- Hill, Faye
- Hill, H. M. L.
- Hill, J. C.
- Hill, Mabel
- Hindmarsh, F. E.
- Hipkins, Roland
- Hipwell, Arthur C
- Hitchens,
- Hodgkins, Frances
- Hodgkins, Isabel Jane
- Hodgkins, William Mathew
- Hogg, A. C.
- Hogg, Lily
- Hogg, Mary G.
- Holcroft, Allan Soanes
- Hollings, Rita
- Hollings, Russell
- Hollobon, Jesse
- Holmes, K.
- Holt, B.
- Holt, J. N.
- Honour, Basil
- Hood, Ernest G.
- Hope, Esther Studholme
- Hope, Mrs Norman
- Horne,
- Hornibrook, H. G.
- Horridge, Herbert
- Horsley, Jean
- Horsley, John
- Horsnaill, T.
- Howard, M. E.
- Howarth, C. H.
- Howell, Ada
- Howey, G. Valentine
- Howland, E.
- Howorth, Charles Henry
- Hubbard, K.
- Huddleston, Fortescue Francis Croft
- Hudson, Isabel B.
- Hudson, Stella
- Hughes, E.
- Hughes, E.
- Hughes, Eleanor
- Hughes, R. M.
- Huie, Dagmar
- Huie, E. C.
- Hull, R. P.
- Hunt, Doris
- Hunt, Frances
- Hunt, Frances J.
- Hunt, Jenny
- Hunt, R.
- Hunter, Eliza Margaret
- Hunter, M.
- Hunter, M. M.
- Hurst Seager, Samuel
- Hutchinson, E. P.
- Hutchinson, F. C.
- Hutchinson, F. L.
- Hutchison, P. M.
- Hutchison, Pat
- Hutchison, Patrick
- Hutchison, R. Jack
- Hutton, David E.
- Hutton, Nellie
- Hyndman, J. O.
- Jack, K. Hill
- Jack, Mavis
- Jackson, A. W.
- Jackson, Alexander Wallace
- Jackson, B.
- Jackson, E. D.
- Jackson, F. D.
- Jackson, H.
- Jakins,
- James, Elloine
- Jameson, Cecil Stuart
- Jameson, M.
- Jamieson, M.
- Jamieson, Vera
- Jansen, C.
- Jay, Josanne
- Jeans, Eana B.
- Jefcoate, C. J. M.
- Jenkin, Dorothy
- Jenkin, Thomas Hugh
- Jenkins, Hugh C.
- Jenkins, N. J.
- Jenkins, Shelia
- Jermins, J. V. B.
- Jerphanion, Iggo
- Joachim, Susanna White
- Joblin, M. M.
- Joel, Grace
- Johnson, Lucretia
- Johnson, Pauline
- Johnson, V. M.
- Johnson, W. Robert
- Johnston, Marigold
- Johnston, Pauline
- Johnstone, Anne
- Johnstone, J. A.
- Johnstone, James
- Jolly, M. E.
- Jones,
- Jones, Alfred
- Jones, D. H.
- Jones, David
- Jones, Dorothy H.
- Jones, E.
- Jones, Ethel Susan
- Jones, Graham
- Jones, Morgan
- Jones, Nina Lucy Mary
- Jones, W.
- Jones, William
- Joseph, E.
- Joyce, Jean
- Joyce, Valentina
- Joyes, Jean
- Kahukiwa, Robyn
- Kalnins, Ernest A.
- Kane, Gregory
- Kay, Ralph L.
- Kay, Robin
- Keeley, Gladys
- Kelly, A. Elizabeth
- Kelly, A. M.
- Kelly, Cecil
- Kelly, Melita
- Kempe, Rosalind
- Kennedy, C. M.
- Kensington, R.
- Kerr, Faye
- Kidson, Charles
- Killick, Ernest Anthony Shadwell
- King, J.
- King, Marcus
- Kirby, Walter J.
- Kirk,
- Kirk, E.
- Kirk, E. A.
- Kirk, E. S.
- Kirkpatrick, Myra
- Kirkwood, Henry William
- Kluge, Edith
- Knight, E. R. L.
- Knight, Gwen
- Knight, H. G.
- Knight, John M.
- Knight, John N.
- Knight, John W.
- Knight Turner, Dennis
- Knights, Pauline
- Kohn,
- Kohn, Esmond M. S.
- Koller, Agnes
- Kral, E.
- Krijgsman, Frits
- Laidlaw, R. R.
- Laing, J.
- Laing, Judith
- Lake, Florence
- Lake, Olga
- Lambert, Jane
- Lambert, Mrs
- Lambert, Thomas Stoddart
- Lanauze, E. A.
- Landon-Lane, Kerry
- Lane, Lillias
- Langley, Edward
- Larcom, Florence
- Lassen, Sheena
- Latham, E. F.
- Lattey, Edward B
- Laugesen, Carl Thorwald
- Laurenson, Olive
- Law, David
- Lawrence, Grace
- Lawson Brown, E.
- Le Cren, Mary M.
- Leary, Allan H.
- Lee, A. J.
- Lee, F. W.
- Lee, Fanny
- Lee, G. Lincoln
- Lee, I.
- Lee, J. K.
- Lee, Jan
- Lee, Joan K.
- Lee, Lily
- Lee, M.
- Lee, Owen R.
- Lee, William H.
- Lee-Johnson, Eric
- Leeming, E. R.
- Lees, Marjorie
- Lees, Marjorie
- Lemon, Norman
- Lenihan, Marie
- Lennie, Jean
- Leonard, R. J.
- Leong, Ding Gar
- Leslie, Jean N.
- Leslie, Walter
- Leslie, Walter W.S.
- Lever, Donald
- Lewens, George E.
- Lewers, G. E.
- Lewis, E. W.
- Lewis, Lily
- Lewis, Louise
- Lill, P. S.
- Lingard, May
- Lingen, Gerrit van der
- Linton, W.
- Lipscombe, F. C.
- Lipscombe, Phyllis
- Lister, W. Lister
- Little, Ralph Townley
- Livingstone, H. R.
- Lloyd, A. J.
- Lloyd, Connie
- Lloyd, Constance
- Lloyd, G. L.
- Lloyd, Henry Grant
- Lloyd, Jessie
- Lloyd, Olive
- Lloyd, Trevor
- Loam, Patty
- Lofthouse, Hermoine Thornton
- Longden, A. A.
- Lonsdale,
- Lonsdale, H. E.
- Lonsdale, L. M.
- Lonsdale, R. E.
- Lonsdale, R. S.
- Loretto, Ruth
- Lothian, Alice R.
- Loughnan, B.
- Lovell, Slyvia
- Lovell-Smith, Colin
- Lovell-Smith, Edgar M.
- Lovell-Smith, Jane
- Lovell-Smith, Rata
- Lovell-Smith, Richard
- Low, E.
- Lowe, L. Elizabeth
- Lowe, York Ming
- Lucas, Eva
- Lucking, G. W.
- Lumsden, Ruth
- Luscombe, Clive
- Lusk, Doris
- Lynch, J. B.
- Lynch, Julia
- Lynn, Vivian
- Lysaght, E. D.
- Macarthur, Joan
- MacBeth, W.
- MacDiarmid, Douglas
- MacDonald, A. M.
- Macfarlane, F.
- MacFarlane, Judith
- Macfarlane, N. H.
- MacFarlane, Quentin
- MacGregor, C.
- MacGregor, Douglas
- MacKay, H.
- Maclean, H.
- Maclean, Helle-Helena
- MacLean, Ian B.
- Maclellan, S. B.
- Maclennan, D. K.
- Maclennan, G. B.
- Maclennan, Stewart
- MacMillan, Diana
- Macmillan Brown, Viola
- MacQuarrie, G. Gould
- Madden,
- Madden, Charles
- Madden, John M.
- Madden, Lily
- Madden, Raymond
- Maddison, J. C.
- Maguire, B.
- Maguire, J. P.
- Magurk, John
- Mahon, Sam
- Mainwaring, Randolph
- Mair, A.J.
- Mair, Eleanor Kate
- Major, Irvine
- Major, Irwin J.
- Major, Stephen
- Makeig, Mary Amelia
- Malcolm, Ray Vivienne
- Mallard, Lynda
- Maloney, Margaret
- Mannering, Mary
- Mannering, Maude
- Manning,
- Manning, A.
- Mansfield, Etta
- Manson, Ainslie G.
- Mapplebeck, M. Y.
- Marchant, R.
- Mardon, Francis Peter
- Mardon, Peter
- Margetts, Derek
- Marsh, Ngaio
- Marshall, M.
- Marshall, M. T.
- Marshall, Mary
- Martin,
- Martin, Grace Garden
- Martin, M.
- Martin, M. E.
- Martin, M. E.
- Mason, G.
- Masterton, Jas. A.
- Mathias, P.
- Maudsley, N.
- Mawer, F. W.
- Mayne, S. H.
- Mayo, Eileen
- McAllum, Bruce
- McAlpine, H. M.
- McAlpine, M.
- McAlpine, Mary
- McCaughern, Hazel
- McCormack, J. A.
- McCormack, L. D.
- McCormack, T. A.
- McCormick, L. D.
- McCosh Clark, Kate Emma
- McCracken, Francis
- McCrorie, Elizabeth
- McCrorie, S.
- McCrorie, T.
- McCullough, Leslie G.
- McDonald, J.
- McDonald, Myrtle
- McDonald, R.
- McDowell, R. J.
- McDowell, Robert
- McDummypage, Dummy
- McEldowney, I. H.
- McEldowney, Iva
- McEldowney, L.
- McEwen, Ronald G.
- McFarlane, Shona
- McIntosh, Tiria
- McIntyre, Hilda
- McIntyre, Peter
- McIntyre, Raymond
- McIntyre, Ruby
- McKay, Jean
- McKay, Kathleen
- McKechnie, Frank Graham
- McKenna, Ada
- McKenzie, R.
- McKenzie, Rhona
- McKenzie, Ronald
- McKinney, Mavis
- McLachlan, H
- McLaren ,
- Mclay, Barbara
- McLean, A.
- McLean, A. C.
- McLean, A. E.
- McLean, A. R.
- McLean, Annie C.
- McLean, H.
- McLean, S. E.
- McLeod,
- McLeod, Douglas J.
- McLeod, M.
- McLintock, A. H.
- McMahon, Jennifer
- McNeill, C. I.
- McNeill, H. M.
- McNeill, M.
- McNicol, David
- Meadowcroft, E
- Meads, V. L.
- Meason, K. L.
- Meek, Olive
- Mees, Edith
- Meeson, Dora
- Menzies,
- Menzies, A.
- Menzies, B.
- Menzies, E. M.
- Menzies, Isabel E.
- Menzies, J. E.
- Mercer, Thomas Turner
- Merton, Owen
- Meyrick, M. H.
- Michels, Jan
- Middleditch, John
- Miles, Bertha
- Miles, R. H.
- Millar, Marjorie G.
- Millar, Ruth
- Millar, Ruth
- Miller, Harry Vye
- Mills,
- Mills, Don
- Mills, Pauline P.
- Milne, W.
- Milton, A. M.
- Minson, Kay
- Minson, Stewart
- Mitchell, Barbara
- Mitchell, Derek
- Mitchell, E.
- Mitchell, Lindsay
- Moffett, Emily
- Moffitt, Trevor
- Mollett, T. A.
- Montague, A. M.
- Monteith, D. J.
- Monteith, K. J.
- Montgomery, W. A.
- Montgomery, W. B.
- Montgomery, W. junior
- Montgomery, William Hugh
- Moody, Elvira
- Moon, Joan
- Moore, C.
- Moore, Elizabeth
- Moore, Frances
- Moore, Gwen
- Moore, John Lysaght
- Moore, William F.
- Moore-Jones, Horace
- Moorfield, J. E.
- Moreton, Samuel H.
- Morgan, M.
- Morgan, R. D.
- Morice, Ada
- Morrell, Joan
- Morris, A.
- Morris, J. R.
- Morris, J. R. Jr
- Morrow, Elizabeth B.
- Morton, Dorothy
- Morton, Mary
- Mosely, E. M.
- Mouldey, E. R.
- Moultray, John Elder
- Mountain, Margot
- Mountfort, Benjamin
- Mourant, Elise Constance
- Mowat, Florence
- Mowatt, F. C.
- Mulcahy, Pat
- Mules, A. G.
- Munday, Evelyn Mary
- Munnings, Edith
- Munnings, F.
- Munnings, J. F.
- Munro, M. B.
- Munro, Madge
- Murphy, J. E.
- Murray-Aynsley, M.
- Muschamp, Thelma
- Musgrave,
- Nairn, James
- Nathan, Louise
- Naylor, Marjorie
- Neame, J. Armstrong
- Neames, E. A.
- Nedwill, A. M.
- Neill, A. D. F.
- Nelson, Gwen W
- Nelson, Violet
- Nerli, Girolamo
- Neville, Louis
- Neville, M. E.
- Neville-Smith, C.
- Newton, Jessie
- Nicholls,
- Nicholls, Colyn
- Nicholls, W. C.
- Nicholson, John Howard
- Nicoll, Archibald
- Nicoll, Dorothy
- Nicoll, George
- Nin, Buck
- Nixon, M.
- Nixon, M. A.
- Nixon, M. J.
- Noonan, Peter
- Noordhof, Els
- Nordstrom, George
- Northcroft, Ruth
- Nosworthy, J. L.
- Nuttall, J. T.
- O'Connor, Colleen
- O'Keefe, A H
- O'Keeffe, Alfred Henry
- O'Neill, Fred
- O'Regan, Philip
- O'Reilly, Eileen
- O'Rorke, Cicely
- Oakley, John
- Ogston, Kate
- Olds, Paul
- Oliphant, Heather
- Olivant, H. G.
- Oliver, Jewel
- Orbell, E. M.
- Orford, Jane
- Orford, Katherine J.
- Osborn, Daisy
- Osborn, S.
- Osborne, S.
- Osmers, Hilary
- Overton, Jones
- Packer, C.
- Packer, E.
- Packwood, George
- Paddock, William
- Page, Dugald
- Page, Elgin
- Page, Evelyn
- Palethorpe, J. H.
- Palethorpe, Joseph L.
- Palmer, Aileen
- Palmer, W. L.
- Panckhurst, R. K.
- Panting, P. J. S.
- Papprill, K.
- Papprill, L.
- Parish, R. H.
- Park, M.
- Parker, C.
- Parker, J. Margaret
- Parker, Joy
- Parker, Nancy
- Parker, R. M. S.
- Parkinson, Heather N.
- Parrish, R. H.
- Parsonage, E. C.
- Parsons, J. H. W.
- Parsons, Janet
- Partridge, Beatrice
- Partridge, Florence
- Partridge, L.
- Partridge, R.
- Partridge, R. V. R.
- Partridge, Rowland
- Partridge, Ruby
- Passmore, M.
- Paterson, Alan Stuart
- Paterson, C. M.
- Paterson, Dorothy
- Paton, E. W.
- Patterson, E. M.
- Patterson, Sue
- Pattle, H. H.
- Payne, David J.
- Payton, E. M.
- Payton, Edward William
- Peach,
- Peache, J. C.
- Peacock, Pauline
- Pearse, Annette
- Pearson, A. R.
- Pearson, Alan
- Pease, Pauline
- Peele,
- Peele, James
- Peele, M. E.
- Pender, Eileen
- Penlington, C. S.
- Penlington, W. A. G.
- Pentelow, E.
- Percival,
- Percival, A.
- Perrett, F. Douglas
- Perrett, John Douglas
- Perry, E.
- Perry, I.
- Perry, Ivy I.
- Perry, Mabel
- Perry, Rosemary
- Peter, Juliet
- Pheney, R.
- Pheney, Robert Francis Vaughan
- Pickard, A. G.
- Pickering, Louise M.
- Pickmere, Alison
- Pigott, Phyllis E.
- Pilkington, E.
- Pitkethley, George R.
- Pizzey, G. P.
- Pocock, Joan
- Pocock, Oliver
- Polson, A.
- Polson, Alice M.
- Polson, Evelyn
- Pope, Eleanor L.
- Portal, B. B.
- Porteous, R. D.
- Porter, B. R.
- Poulston, Gypsy
- Poulton, Janet
- Powell, Sally
- Power, Harold Septimus
- Power, Peter
- Pratt, William H.
- Prebble, Joy
- Presants, Philip
- Price, F. A.
- Prideaux, Editha Greville
- Prince, E. L.
- Pritchard, F.
- Pritchard, T
- Procter, May
- Proctor, R.
- Proctor, R.
- Proctor, Robert
- Prowse, Herbert
- Pruden, George E.
- Pyne,
- Pyne, Ethel Stanley
- Pyne, F. H.
- Radford, F.
- Rae, A.
- Rae, Albert
- Rae, Mary B.
- Ragg, Sylvia D.
- Raine, Alfred O.
- Rainey, S. G.
- Ramage, Don
- Rands, Colette
- Ranfurly, Constance Elizabeth
- Rankin, R.
- Rankin, R. V.
- Rankin, Ruby
- Rankin, S.
- Rankin, Stanley
- Raphael, H.
- Rasmussen, Marjorie
- Raynor, Louise
- Reavey, E.
- Reed, John Keith
- Reed, W. J.
- Reed, William James
- Reid, A.
- Reid, Andrew
- Reid, Ian
- Reid, Wendy
- Reissar, Tui
- Rendle, E. R.
- Rennie, F. B.
- Reynolds,
- Rhind, Betty
- Rhodes, A.
- Rhodes, Margaret
- Rhodes, Pauline
- Riby, Thomas William
- Rice, W. E.
- Rich, G. C.
- Richards, R. H.
- Richards , S.
- Richardson, E.
- Richardson, Ethel
- Richardson, F. E.
- Richardson, Fanny
- Richardson, Gwyneth
- Richardson, H Linley
- Richardson, W. E.
- Richardson, W. L.
- Richmond, Dorothy Kate
- Richmond, James Crowe
- Ritchie, J. H.
- Ritchie, John
- Ritchie, Nancy Adkin
- Ritchie, P. Leith
- Ritchie, Winnie
- Roake, Rosemary
- Robert, F. J.
- Robert, T.
- Roberts, A. W.
- Roberts, Ellinore
- Roberts, M. T.
- Roberts, N.
- Robertson, Dorothy
- Robertson, Jean C.
- Robertson, Vivian
- Robins, George Ware
- Robinson, M. Anna
- Robison, G. A.
- Robson, K. B.
- Rodger, D.
- Rodger, M. J.
- Rodgers, Wayne
- Rogers,
- Rogers, M. J.
- Rollo, Val
- Rolton, Philip
- Romanides, Paree
- Roscoe, Helen D.
- Roscoe, Stanley
- Rose, Rachel
- Ross, Flora
- Ross, Malcolm
- Rountree, Harry
- Rowell, Bernice
- Rowling, Margaret
- Roxburgh, J. L.
- Royds, Julian
- Rubbo, A. Dattilo
- Rush, W. J. William James
- Russell, Helen W.
- Rust, Yvonne
- Rutherford, Frances
- Rutherford, Margaret
- Rutherford, Marjorie
- Ryde, Alison
- Sadd, Charlotte Ann
- Sadler, E. E.
- Sale,
- Sale, Margaret
- Salmond, Kathleen Lucy
- Sandall, F. A.
- Sandall, Helen
- Sanders, Graham
- Sansom, A. M.
- Sansom, Alma
- Sansom, Robert F.
- Saunders, Gwen
- Saunders, Zita
- Saunderson,
- Savage, Cedric
- Sawtell, E. Rosa
- Scaffai, L.
- Scales, Flora
- Scarvell, Julia
- Schmidt, Armin A.
- Schoon, T. F.
- Scott,
- Scott, Alan
- Scott, C. E.
- Scott, F. L.
- Scott, G. F.
- Scott, Hugh
- Scott, J. L.
- Scott, James F
- Scott, John W.
- Scott, L.
- Scott, Lily
- Scott, Norman
- Scott, Philip
- Scott, Ruby
- Scott, William T.
- Searell, A.
- Searell, Pamela
- Sedcole, P. R.
- Seddon, Beatrice
- Sedgwick, F.
- Seymour, S. B.
- Shackleton, Mary E.
- Shand, M.
- Sharp, G. W.
- Shaw, Evelyn
- Shaw, J Mabella
- Shaw, J. M.
- Shearman, Robert H.
- Sheppard, F. G. F.
- Sherriff, George
- Shewell, F. G.
- Shorland, D.
- Shuffill, Lucy
- Shurrock, Francis A.
- Siemer, Chris
- Simes, Eric
- Simmons, Joy
- Simpson, E.
- Simpson, E. A.
- Sinclair, A.
- Sinclair, Alfred
- Sinclair, Neville
- Slater, E. D.
- Slater, Elsie E.
- Slight, P.
- Smail, Stephanie
- Small, C. A.
- Small, S. G.
- Smeeton, Shirley
- Smetham, Michael L.
- Smith, Chrissie
- Smith, D. E.
- Smith, Dorothy
- Smith, E. M.
- Smith, Edgar M.
- Smith, H. Nevill
- Smith, Harry
- Smith, Hetty L
- Smith, Joan
- Smith, L. W.
- Smith, Leslie
- Smith, M.
- Smith, May
- Smith, P. Osmond
- Smith, S.
- Smith, Sidney
- Smith, Sydney
- Smith, Vivian
- Smythe, C.
- Smythe, W. S.
- Snow,
- Snow, R.
- Spence, E. P.
- Spence, P. F. S.
- Spencer, H. M.
- Spencer, M.
- Spencer Bower, Olivia
- Spencer Bower, Rosa
- Spensley, Hector
- Spensley, Isa B.
- Sperrey, Kate
- Sperring, Thos. L.
- Spicer, Ella
- Spicer, Peggy
- Spiller, Irene
- Spratt, Jean
- Sprott, William Kinlock
- Squires, Maud H.
- St. John , E.
- Staples, Roger
- Stark, Winifred
- Starkey,
- Starkey, A. E.
- Starr, Ray
- Steeds, B.
- Steen, Nancy
- Steinert, Vida
- Stenberg, Ron
- Stephens, Noel M.
- Sterndale, C. H. T.
- Steven, A. M.
- Stevens, Harold A.
- Stevens, R. H.
- Stevenson, M.
- Stevenson, M. J. Scott
- Stevenson, W. Scott
- Stewardson, J.
- Stewart,
- Stewart, H. M.
- Stewart, Helen
- Stewart, Mary
- Stewart, S.
- Still, Mabel
- Stinson, M.
- Stoddart, Frances
- Stoddart, Margaret
- Stone-wigg, K. S.
- Strachan , J. H. S.
- Strack,
- Straker, Helen
- Stratford, Pam
- Strutton, E. E.
- Struyk, Hubert
- Stuart-Hill, A.
- Studholme, Mabel
- Stupples, Ngaio
- Sugden, Alberta M.
- Summers, Llewelyn
- Sunderland, Eddie
- Sutherland, Helen
- Sutton, W. A.
- Swabey, Lois
- Sydow, Carl
- Sykes, F.
- Tait, J. Melb
- Tait, W. H.
- Talbot, C.
- Tanner, F.
- Tanner, Mary
- Taylor, A. B.
- Taylor, A. S.
- Taylor, E. Mervyn
- Taylor, G. A.
- Taylor, Graham A.
- Taylor, L. G.
- Taylor, Marjorie Taylor T.
- Taylor, Rob
- Taylor, T. E.
- Temple, Edwyn Frederick
- Templeton, Robina
- Tennent, Madge
- Tetley, H. H.
- Theakston, H. M.
- Thom, Grace
- Thomas, Clara
- Thomas, E
- Thomas, Elsa
- Thomas, Farnie
- Thomas, Joanna J.
- Thomas, R. D.
- Thomas, R. W.
- Thomas, S. F.
- Thomas, Mrs
- Thomasson, J. M.
- Thompson, Ernest Heber
- Thompson, M.
- Thompson, Margaret
- Thompson, Myra
- Thompson, Sydney Lough
- Thompson, William
- Thomson, Ivy
- Thomson, M.
- Thomson, S.
- Thomson, Sylvia
- Thorgood, Ralf Frederick
- Thornton, Ceridwen
- Thorpe, Barbara
- Thorpe, C. M.
- Thorpe, Fred
- Thorpe, Roie
- Tidswel, Barbara
- Tiller, W.
- Tiller, William E.
- Tilley, N. E.
- Tilsley, Louise
- Tingey, Leonard
- Tingey, R. L.
- Tippett, Warren
- Tizard, Ronald
- Todd, Ione E
- Todd, Millicent
- Tole, Charles
- Tole, John
- Tombs, Harry Hugo
- Tomlinson, F.
- Tomlinson, Henry Maitland
- Tonkin, O. M.
- Tonks, Daisy
- Topliss, J. A.
- Torlesse, Emily
- Torlesse, Kate
- Tothill, Mari
- Tovey, Gordon
- Townsend, C. H.
- Tracey, Roma
- Trethewey, William Thomas
- Trezise, M.
- Tricker, Gary
- Tripe, Mary Elizabeth
- Tripp, E.
- Tripp, Ella Howard
- Tripp, F. H.
- Tripp, J. O. H.
- Tripp, Mowbray
- Trolle, Brent
- Trolove, E. B.
- Trolove, P. S.
- Trumic, Michael
- Trusttum, Philip
- Turkington, James
- Turnbull, J. S.
- Turnbull, Judy
- Turner,
- Turner, A. E.
- Turner, E.
- Turner, George Addington
- Turner, Gwenda
- Turner, K.
- Turner, Kit
- Turner, Ruth
- Turner, Suzanne
- Tylee, Marion
- Vaile, Maude
- Van Asch, E.
- van der Velden, Petrus
- Vane,
- Vane, Katherine Airini
- Vaughan, Marjorie
- Vaughan, Roland
- Veitch, Colleen
- Veitch, John
- Venables, Mark K.
- Venning, Dorothy
- Verey, Bryan
- Vial, Irene C.
- Vial, Vera
- Vincent, Stephanie
- Virtue, De Gruchy
- von Guérard, Eugène
- Von Meyern, Ellen
- Von Tunzelmann, Kath
- Waddell, Pamela
- Wade, F. V.
- Wade, N.
- Wadley, F. V.
- Waghorn, Reginald J.
- Wakelin, Roland
- Walker, Cynthia
- Walker, Hilda
- Walker, M.
- Waller,
- Waller, May
- Waller, Nan
- Wallwork, Elizabeth
- Wallwork, Richard
- Walpole, E.
- Walrond, Emma Maria
- Walsh, Alfred Wilson
- Walton, F.
- Ward, Emily
- Warn, E. Baldwin
- Warren, F. M.
- Warren, Miles
- Washbourn, Enga
- Waters, Dorothy
- Waters, M. A.
- Waters, Margaret
- Watkin, L
- Watkin, Len J.
- Watkins, C. S.
- Watkins, Ethel M.
- Watkins, J. S.
- Watkins, Kennett
- Watkins, William Montague Nevin
- Watson, David
- Watson, M. P.
- Watson, R. B.
- Watson, Violet
- Wattam, Reginald
- Wauchop, William Simon
- Waymouth,
- Waymouth, Alice
- Wearn, J. S.
- Weavers, A.
- Webber, Gerald Kingley
- Webster, A.
- Webster, Alfred C.
- Weedon, A. W.
- Weeks, John
- Welch, Nugent Herman
- Weld, Reg
- West, Pearl
- Westenra, B.
- Westenra, F. S.
- Westmacott, H. H. S.
- Westmacott, S.
- Weston, Judith
- Westropp, R.
- Westwood, N. F.
- Wheeler, Colin
- Wheeler, N. I.
- Whetter, Edith
- White, A. J.
- White, A. Lois
- White, Beatrice
- White, Daisy
- White, Elsie
- White, George W.
- White, H. L.
- White, L.
- White, M. F.
- White, Margaret Matilda
- White, Minnie F.
- Whitefoord,
- Whiteman, Violet Emily
- Whitt, Margaret
- Whittall, Percy
- Whitton, M. A.
- Whyte, Alice F.
- Wickenden, Agnes
- Wickenden, Elaine
- Widdowson, C.
- Wieneke,
- Wightman, C. J.
- Wigley, Jessie C
- Wigram, H.
- Wigram, H. F.
- Wildey, A. E.
- Wilding, Cora
- Wilkes, Barbara
- Wilkie, D. B.
- Wilkie, H.C.
- Wilkins,
- Wilks, A.
- Willes,
- Willes, Daisy
- Willes, W. A.
- Williams, Charles T.
- Williams, Cyrus J. R.
- Williams, D.
- Williams, Dorothy G.
- Williams, E. B.
- Williams, G. P.
- Williams, Hilda
- Williams, J. H.
- Williams, M.
- Williams, M. H.
- Williams, Marjorie
- Williamson, J.
- Williamson, T.
- Williamson, Tom
- Willis, A.
- Wilmot, G. J.
- Wilson, Basil L.
- Wilson, Bella
- Wilson, Carol
- Wilson, Harry
- Wilson, Isabella
- Wilson, J.
- Wilson, L.
- Wilson, L.
- Wilson, Laurence William
- Wilson, May
- Wilson, Muriel C.
- Wilson, R. W.
- Wilson, W. De B.
- Wilson, W. S.
- Wimperis, A. Jane
- Wimperis, Frances M.
- Winter, E.
- Winter, Tui
- Wise, Wilfrid
- Wiseman, Hilda
- Wishart, B. S.
- Wishart, Betty
- Withers, Robert
- Wong, Albert
- Wood, A. S.
- Wood, B.
- Wood, Beatrice
- Wood, Cecil
- Wood, Colleen
- Wood, Joyce
- Woodford, Edith
- Woodhouse,
- Woodhouse, E.
- Woodhouse, Edith W
- Wooding, Norman
- Woods, George
- Woodward, Ada
- Woolcott, Sina
- Woollams, D.
- Woollaston, Toss
- Woolley, George Ernest
- Worden,
- Worden, Hans
- Worseldine, Charles
- Worsfold, W. B.
- Worsley, Charles Nathaniel
- Wreaks, Phoebe M.
- Wright, F.
- Wright, Frances
- Wright, Frank
- Wright, W.
- Wright, W.
- Wright, Walter
- Wyley, James