Otago Art Society

All these artists exhibited with the Otago Art Society at some time between 1876 and 1928.
The Otago Art Society was founded in 1876 and is still active. It currently occupies part of the Dunedin Railway Station.
The names are taken from an unpublished list compiled by Dr Ross Grimmett, and kindly supplied by Dr Roger Collins, both formerly of the University of Otago.
The catalogues themselves have not been digitised but reasonably complete sets exist in various libraries, notably the Hocken Collections in Dunedin.
1186 artists
Filter by year
- Adam, J.
- Adam, J. Denovan
- Adams, Eleanor Juliet
- Adams, F. E.
- Adams, James
- Aikman, J. H.
- Alexander, Fred
- Alexander, Mary
- Alford, W
- Allan, J.
- Allen, W. H.
- Allingham, William
- Alp, James
- Alves, S.
- Anderson,
- Anderson, Clem
- Anderson, Gladys L.
- Anderson, R.
- Anderson, Robert N.
- Anscombe, Eliza
- Anstead,
- Armour,
- Arndt, E. G.
- Arndt, Mina
- Arnold,
- Arnold, C.
- Arthur, William
- Artz,
- Ashton, Dorothy
- Ashton, Julian Rossi
- Ashton, W.
- Atcherley, Henry Mount Langton
- Atkinson, Esmond Hurworth
- Aurely, G.
- Austin, G.
- Bacon, J. H.
- Baillie, John Denzil
- Baker, Blanche
- Baker, E. M.
- Baker, G. C.
- Balestrini, Carlo
- Balfour, J.
- Balfour, James
- Balfour, James Lawson
- Ballantyne, Kenneth Morrin
- Banks, John
- Barker, Norman
- Barnicoat, Rosamond E.
- Barraud, Charles Decimus
- Barraud, E. Noel
- Barraud, Francis Philip
- Barraud, William Francis
- Barron, Miss
- Bartley, Edwin
- Barton, Cranleigh
- Basire,
- Bastings, Henri
- Bauchop, Maria
- Baumhauser,
- Baxter, Alfred E.
- Beal, A. M.
- Beauchamp, H.
- Beauchamp, Robert Proctor
- Beaumont,
- Beck, S. A.
- Beer, Leslie H.
- Beetham, Richmond
- Begg, Catherine W.
- Beken, Olive
- Bell, Enid
- Bell, George
- Bell, Napier
- Bell, W. F.
- Bellei, G.
- Bendall, Edith Kathleen
- Bender, Arthur A.
- Bennett, W.
- Bennetts, Ethel M.
- Bertram, C. E.
- Bestall, Leo D.
- Beswick, Florence
- Beswick, T. F.
- Bethune, Phyllis Drummond
- Bianchi,
- Bickerton, Charles E
- Billens, H.
- Billings, H.
- Birch, Samuel John Lamorna
- Bird, Rata
- Birket Foster, Myles
- Blacke, Annie Taylor
- Blair, Helen S
- Blair, John
- Blake, Charles M.
- Blomfield, Bessie
- Blomfield, Charles
- Blunt, Edith Blanche
- Blunt, T. G. R.
- Bollard, E. H.
- Bollard, William Allen
- Bonnar, J. T. A.
- Booth, Leonard
- Bower, Mary
- Bowring, Walter Armiger
- Bowron, E.
- Boyes, Edith
- Boyle, G.
- Brabazon, E. R.
- Bradley, G. M.
- Brandon, Eustace
- Branfill, Benjamin
- Brassington, Claudius
- Bremner, P.
- Bridgeman, Cunningham
- Brierly, Oswald Walter
- Brock, John
- Brockett, S. M.
- Brodrick,
- Brook,
- Brooke, E.
- Brookesmith, Frank
- Broome,
- Brown,
- Brown,
- Brown, F. R.
- Brown, John
- Brown, W. Bratlie
- Brown, W. G.
- Brown, William
- Brown, William Graham
- Browne, Coreen
- Browne, William Ferris
- Browning, W. A.
- Brownlie, M.
- Bruce, E.
- Bruce, Jessie L.
- Bruce, T. H.
- Brugh, M. C.
- Brundell, W. T.
- Brunton,
- Bryan, Hugh
- Bryan, Violet
- Bryant, Alice
- Bryant, C.
- Buchan, Charles
- Buckland, J. C.
- Budden,
- Burgess, A. J. W.
- Burnett,
- Burnett, J. A.
- Burnside, John Arthur
- Burton, Alfred
- Burton, Ida H.
- Burton, Olivia V.
- Butler, George Edmund
- Butler, Grace
- Butler, M.
- Butterworth, G. M.
- Byles, W. Hounsom
- Cameron,
- Campbell,
- Campbell, A. M.
- Campbell, D. R.
- Campbell, Hazel
- Campbell, Jenny
- Campbell, John
- Campbell, L. H.
- Carey, Ida H.
- Carr, G. P.
- Carrington, G. W.
- Catley, E. M.
- Cattermole, G.
- Cautley, R. E.
- Chapman, E. O.
- Chapman, Ernest Arthur
- Chapman, Hilda
- Chapman, Mary
- Chapman, Vera
- Chapman, W. Ernest
- Chapple, A. W.
- Chapple, Bessie E.
- Chevalier, Nicholas
- Chisholm, J.
- Christie, Helen
- Christmas, E. W.
- Churchward, J. S.
- Clark, Edwin
- Clark, Russell
- Clarke, C. V.
- Clarke, James
- Clennell, F.
- Clogstoun, J.
- Coffey, Alfred R.
- Cogan, R.
- Cole, Herbert Robert
- Cole, Philip Tennyson
- Cole, Robert Reuben
- Collier, Edith
- Collingridge, Arthur de Tourcey
- Collins, Doris
- Colquhoun, A.
- Combes, Jessie
- Cook, Fredrick J.
- Cook, James
- Cook, M. A.
- Cooper, Thornhill
- Corbet, W.
- Cormack, M. A.
- Coster, A. E.
- Cotton,
- Cotton, H. W.
- Course, F.
- Cousins, Thomas Selby
- Couston,
- Couts, Jessie
- Cox, David
- Cox, Oliver Gordon
- Craft, J.
- Crawford, Isabel G.
- Credgington, A.
- Crisp, Henry
- Crisp, James A.
- Cross,
- Cross, J. D.
- Crow, Samuel
- Crowe, H. G.
- Culliford, Eliza Gillett
- Currin, B.
- Cusack, A. M.
- Cusack, E. E.
- Cutten,
- Cutten, M. A.
- D'Arcy,
- Dallaston,
- Dalrymple, Jessie
- Dalziel, Clara
- Daniell, G. K.
- Daniels,
- Daplyn, A. J.
- Darling, A. M.
- Darling, A. M.
- Darling, L.
- Darling, L.
- Darroch, Duncan
- Davey, A. L.
- Davidson,
- Davidson,
- Davidson, D. G.
- Davidson, James
- Davies,
- Davies, Violet
- De Beer, Dora
- De Breanski, Gustave
- De Castro, H. R.
- De Clifford, Doreen
- de Veaux, A. D.
- Deas, Kenneth
- Denby, A. M.
- Dennison, G. H.
- Deverell, Walter
- Dickson, James W.
- Dobie, Beatrix C.
- Donn, Robert
- Douglas, J.
- Douglas, William Fettes
- Driver, A. J. Prout
- Driver, M
- Drummond, F. L.
- Drummond, T. L
- Drury, Alfred
- Du Croz, D. W.
- Dudley, W. S.
- Dumsday, M. G.
- Duncan, F. Melville
- Duncan, George
- Dunlop, J.
- Dunn, Charles Arthur
- Dunne, R.
- Dunstan, A. H.
- Duportal, Maurice
- Durie, H. B.
- Durrand, A. L.
- Durrant, Dorothea
- Farrant, A. E.
- Fell, Charles Yates
- Fenwick, E. F.
- Fergus, D.
- Ferguson, Lindo
- Ferrier, G. S.
- Ferrier, William
- Field, Peter H.
- Field, Robert Nettleton
- Fife, Ivy
- Finch, Dorothy
- Fischer, A. G.
- Fischer, A. J.
- Fisher,
- Fisher,
- Fisher, A. H.
- Fisher, Arthur H.
- Fisher, J. G. Rollo
- Fisher, J. T. R.
- Fitchett, Margaret
- Fitzgerald, G.
- Fitzgerald, James
- Flanagan,
- Fletcher, B.
- Flockton, M.
- Fodor, George F.
- Forbes, Stanhope
- Ford, N.
- Forrester, A. A.
- Forsyth, C.
- Foster, Charles William
- Foster, Charles William
- Fox, A. C.
- Fox, H. C.
- Fox, Helen E. O.
- Fraser,
- Fraser, Jimsie C.
- Freeman, Eva G.
- Freyberg, F. P.
- Friberg, Elizabeth Baird
- Fristrom, Edward
- Fuller, E. Murray
- Fuller, W. G
- Fullwood, A. Henry
- Fullwood, B. H.
- Fynmore, Victoria B.
- Gairdner, Margaret J.
- Gale,
- Gallagher, T. F.
- Gallagher, T. H.
- Gapses,
- Gard'ner, Nora
- Garlick, H. G.
- Garlick, H. H. G.
- Garnham, George H
- Gatti, Alice
- Gaut, Joseph
- Gear, Arthur Handel
- Geisow, Kitty
- George, Sydney Spencer
- Gerard, M.
- Gether,
- Gibb, A. M.
- Gibb, John
- Gibb, William Menzies
- Gibbes, F. B.
- Gibbes, J.
- Gibson, A. C.
- Gibson, Helen F
- Gibson, K.
- Gibson, W. E.
- Gifford, E. A.
- Gifford, M.
- Gill, Robert Askew
- Gillies,
- Gladstone, William E
- Glass, A. N.
- Godden, A. B.
- Goldie, Charles Frederick
- Gordon, Agnes J.
- Gordon, Elizabeth
- Gordon, L. M.
- Gordon, Leslie G.
- Gore, Henry Moreland
- Gouldsmith, Edmund
- Goy, F. H.
- Graham, J.
- Gray, Angus
- Gray, Mabel Kaye
- Green, Samuel Edwy
- Green, William
- Green, Winifred
- Greene, William
- Greener, Leslie
- Greenish, Lucy
- Greenlees, J.
- Gren, Neil A.
- Gresham, F. W.
- Gubbins, Beatrice
- Gulland,
- Gully, John
- Gunn, George M.
- Gyles, Ethel F.
- Hadfield, G. W.
- Hales, Samuel
- Halkett, K. E.
- Hall, Fred
- Hall, Melville
- Halligan, Oli A.
- Halstead, Frances
- Hamel, J. H.
- Hamilton, A.
- Hamilton, Emma T.
- Handyside, K. M.
- Hanham, Mary
- Hankey, William Lee
- Hannah, Sybil
- Hansard, G. A.
- Hanson, Albert J.
- Hardie, C. M.
- Hardy, Dudley
- Harlock,
- Harlock, W. H.
- Harris, Marjorie
- Harrison, H.
- Harrison, Robert
- Hartley, Margaret
- Hartley, Mary A. L.
- Hassall, John
- Haszard, Rhona
- Haward, Mary E.
- Hawcridge, Robert
- Hawker, H. N.
- Hawkins,
- Hay,
- Hay, Ella
- Hay, F.
- Hay, J. D.
- Hay, J. W.
- Hay, T. M.
- Hay-Campbell, Charles Duncan
- Hayes,
- Hayes, Claude
- Hayes, Inez
- Hayllar, J.
- Haylock, Arthur Lagden
- Hayward, Edward Beauvais
- Headland, E.
- Hedley, M.
- Heffer, Harry
- Heginbotham, Joseph Alfred
- Helps, Francis
- Helps, M. A.
- Henderson, W.
- Hepburn,
- Herdman-Smith, Robert
- Herring, J. F.
- Hewat,
- Hewitt, F. W.
- Heysen, Hans
- Hicks, S. Evans
- Hicks, S. Evans
- Higgs, Sydney Hamlet
- Hill, E. M.
- Hill, Mabel
- Hill-Jack, K.
- Hinschelwood, A.
- Hipkins, Roland
- Hipwell, Arthur C
- Hobart, Helen M.
- Hocken,
- Hocken, Elizabeth Mary
- Hodgkins, Frances
- Hodgkins, Isabel Jane
- Hodgkins, Percy D'Esterre
- Hodgkins, William Mathew
- Hogg, E. G.
- Hole, W. B.
- Hollobon, Jesse
- Holmes,
- Holmes, Basil G.
- Holmes, F.
- Holmes, J. S.
- Holst, Percy
- Hood, Ernest G.
- Hook, J. C.
- Hope, Esther Studholme
- Horn, L. F.
- Horne, Constance W
- Horne, Mary W.
- Horner, A. M.
- Horridge, Herbert
- Horsburgh, J.
- Hosking,
- Houlker, W.
- Howell, Ada
- Howorth,
- Howorth, Charles Henry
- Huddleston, Fortescue Francis Croft
- Huddlestone, J. C. C.
- Huddlestone, W. F
- Hughes, Arthur
- Hughes, R. M.
- hughs, E.
- Huie, E. C.
- Hunt, C. H.
- Hunt, Charles
- Hunter, Colin
- Hunter, George
- Hunter, J. Young
- Huntley,
- Hurst Seager, Samuel
- Hutchins, Phyllis
- Hutchinson,
- Hutchinson, E. P.
- Hutchinson, F. L.
- Hutton, David Con
- Hutton, David E.
- Hutton, Nellie
- Jack, K. Hill
- Jackson, E. D.
- Jackson, Fenwick
- Jackson, James Ranalph
- James, K. Vivian
- Jameson, Cecil Stuart
- Jamieson, C.
- Jeans, Eana B.
- Jeffreys, Gertrude Sarah
- Jenkin,
- Jenkin, Thomas Hugh
- Joachim,
- Joachim, Susanna White
- Joel, Grace
- Johnson,
- Johnson, P. G.
- Johnson, Pauline
- Johnson, S.
- Johnston, E. F.
- Johnstone,
- Jonas, L.
- Jones, F. L.
- Jones, Nina Lucy Mary
- Jones, Reginald
- Jones, W. E.
- Joris, Pio
- Joy, W. K.
- Julliot, Mlle E.
- Jury, H.
- Laezza, G.
- Laidlaw, Leslie F. C.
- Lake, F.
- Landels, H.
- Lane, Myra A.
- Langley, Edward
- Latham, A.
- Law, Dorothy
- Lawrence, Bruce
- Leary, Frank
- Lee, Ina
- Lee, J. K.
- Lees, A.
- Lees, K. H.
- Lees, R. H.
- Leggatt, A.
- Leist, Fred
- Lester, A.
- Lewens, George E.
- Lewis, A. M.
- Lewis, Goodwin
- Lindsay, Lionel
- Lingard, May
- Lister, W. Lister
- Little, Ralph Townley
- Little, Robert
- Livingstone, Margaret
- Lloyd, Constance
- Lloyd, Henry Grant
- Lloyd, Olive
- Lloyd, Trevor
- Locking, Ida
- Long, Syd.
- Lothian, Alice R.
- Loughnan, B.
- Lovell-Smith, Colin
- Lovell-Smith, Rata
- Lucas, Seymour
- Lynch, Julia
- Maas, N.
- MacDougal,
- Macfarlane, A.
- MacGregor, Cecil
- MacIntosh, J. A.
- MacIntosh, J. M.
- Mackay,
- Mackay, Colin
- Mackay, H
- Mackellar, Florence M.
- Mackie, J. M.
- Maclise, D.
- MacLymont, F.
- Macnee, R. R.
- MacQuarrie, G. Gould
- MacWhirter, J.
- Madden, John M.
- Mair,
- Makeig, Mary Amelia
- Maninng, Tempe
- Mann, G. V. F.
- Manning, F. R.
- Mansfield, Etta
- Marchant,
- Marchant, M. E. A.
- Marony, P. W.
- Marriot, F.
- Marriott-Woodhouse, A.
- Marsh, Ngaio
- Martin, Henry
- Martin, M.
- Martin, M.
- Marx,
- Mason, F.
- Mason, M.
- Matheson, I.
- Mathias, P.
- Maudsley, N.
- Maxwell,
- McCosh Clark, Kate Emma
- McCracken, Francis
- McCrorie, Elizabeth
- McCrorie, T.
- McCulloch, Horatio
- McDonald, J.
- McDonald, J. B.
- McDougal,
- McDougal, Neil
- McDummypage, Dummy
- McEldowney, Iva
- McEvoy, A.
- McGeorge, A.
- McGeorge, W. S.
- McGill, A.
- McGillivray, H. R.
- McGregor, Robert
- McIndoe, John Leslie
- McIntyre, Peter
- McKay, Jean
- Mckay, Q.
- McKechnie, Ella
- McKenzie, Rhona
- McKenzie, Ronald
- McLarn, Maud
- McLaurin, D.
- McLaurin, Duncan
- McLea, J. W.
- McLean, H.
- McLeod, M
- McLeod, M. C.
- McLeod, Margaret S.
- McNeill, M.
- Meadowcroft, Emma
- Mee, J. Merrrilees
- Meek, Olive
- Meeson, Dora
- Meeson, E.
- Meissonnier, L.
- Melken, Krisko
- Melvin, William S.
- Menzies, E. M.
- Menzies, Isobel E.
- Merton, Owen
- Meyrick, M. H.
- Michie, John
- Middlebrook, L. M.
- Milburn, P.
- Mitchell, John
- Moffett, E.
- Mogford, John
- Moir, W. A.
- Mondy,
- Monkton, J.
- Montagu,
- Montague, F.
- Monteith, K. J.
- Montgomery, W. B.
- Montgomery, William Hugh
- Moore, G.
- Moore-Jones, Horace
- Moreton, Samuel H.
- Morgan,
- Morice, Ada
- Morris, E.
- Morris, E. F. E.
- Morris, J. R. Jr
- Morrish, W. S.
- Morrison,
- Morrison, W. L.
- Mort, Eirene
- Moseley, Stella Ivy
- Mouldey, E. R.
- Moultray, Henry D.
- Moultray, John D.
- Moultray, John Elder
- Moutrey, A.
- Mowat, Florence
- Mules, Eileen G.
- Munday, Evelyn Mary
- Muntz, P. C.
- Murdoch, W. Burn
- Murray, David
- Murray, G. R.
- Muskett, A. J.
- Myles, W. S.
- Nairn, James
- Nakamura,
- Neill, E. M.
- Nelson, Violet
- Nerli, Girolamo
- Nesbit, Robert
- Nevill, Bishop S. T.
- Neville, Louis
- Newton, Jessie
- Neyrich, M. H.
- Nichol, A. W.
- Nichol, Erskine
- Nicholas, J. N.
- Nicholl, Erskine
- Nicholls, Chas.
- Nicholson, John Howard
- Nicoll, Archibald
- Nicoll, George
- Nisbet, R.
- Nixon, M. A.
- Nixon, Maggie J.
- Nordstrom, George
- North, J. W.
- North, W.
- Norton,
- Nowell, A. T.
- Nutt,
- Packer, C.
- Packer, E. E.
- Paddock, William
- Page, Joan
- Page, Maurice
- Palethorpe, Joseph L.
- Palmer, Aileen G.
- Park, J. S. M.
- Park, Mary Alexander
- Parsons, J. H. W.
- Partridge, Ruby
- Passmore, Mary L.
- Paton, Hugh A. R. E.
- Paton, Walter H.
- Patrick, B.
- Patterson, Emily
- Pattle,
- Pattle, H. H.
- Paul, Agnes
- Payne, F. W.
- Payton, Edward William
- Peddie,
- Peel, J.
- Peele, James
- Pender, Eileen
- Percival, W. J. C.
- Percy, I. de Vere
- Perigal, A.
- Perrett, John Douglas
- Perry, Adelaide E.
- Petre, F.
- Philp, J. G.
- Piggott, Phyllis
- Pisi, G.
- Pitkethley, George R.
- Pocock, Joan
- Polson, Alice
- Polson, Evelyn
- Portman, Alex J.
- Poussin, N.
- Power, E.
- Power, Peter
- Powlesland, S. W.
- Poynter, E.
- Pozzo, G. da
- Pratt, William H.
- Preston, Margatet
- Preuss, E.
- Price, J.
- Priest, Alfred
- Prince, E. C.
- Prince, E. L.
- Pritchard, F.
- Pritchard, L.
- Procter, J. M
- Procter, J. M.
- Proctor, Robert
- Prout, Skinner
- Provazzi, G.
- Prowse, Herbert
- Purchase, Alfred A.
- Pym, Montagu
- Pyne, Thos.
- Pynsent,
- Rae,
- Rae, Albert
- Rae, Mary B.
- Raemakers, L.
- Raffaelle,
- Ramsay,
- Ramsay, C.
- Ramsay, E.
- Randle, W.
- Rankin, Stanley
- Raworth, William Henry
- Rawson, H.
- Rayner, Katherine
- Rayward, H. H.
- Reason, F.
- Redfern, R.
- Reed, A. A.
- Reid, A. A.
- Reid, A. D.
- Reid, Andrew
- Reid, D.
- Reid, D. G.
- Reid, David S.
- Reid, G. Ogilvy
- Reid, Robert
- Reid, Stuart
- Renouard, Paul
- Reynolds, E. C.
- Reynolds, Frances Edith
- Reynolds, L. M.
- Rhind, Betty
- Richardson,
- Richardson,
- Richardson, B.
- Richardson, Ethel
- Richardson, Fanny
- Richardson, H Linley
- Richardson, J. F.
- Richardson, Mabel A.
- Richardson, T. M.
- Richmond, Dorothy Kate
- Richmond, James Crowe
- Richter, G.
- Richter, H.
- Rickatson, O.
- Ridley,
- Ritchie, E. S.
- Ritchie, H. M.
- Ritchie, P. Leith
- Rivers, Leopold
- Roberts, J. W.
- Roberts, L.
- Roberts, M. T.
- Roberts, N.
- Roberts, William Stewart Weeding
- Robertson, C
- Robertson, David
- Robin, Alfred William
- Rodger, D.
- Rodway,
- Roe, Fred
- Rogers, M. J.
- Rolland, A.
- Roscoe, Helen D.
- Rosenberg, G. F.
- Ross,
- Ross,
- Ross, D.
- Ross, Dagmar
- Ross, Flora
- Ross, Malcolm
- Ross, T.
- Rubbo, A. Dattilo
- Russell, Beatrice
- Russell, Helen W.
- Russell, M.
- Russell, Una
- Sadd, Charlotte Ann
- Saldaigne, Paul
- Sale, Molly D.
- Salmond,
- Salmond, Kathleen Lucy
- Salvana, John
- Sandercock,
- Sanderson, A.
- Sandilands, Jessie
- Sanza,
- Saunier, Oct.
- Savage, Cedric
- Sawtell, E. Rosa
- Scales, Flora
- Scheltema, J. H.
- Schlegel,
- Scott, Amy
- Scott, David
- Scott, James F
- Scott, John Halliday
- Scott, L.
- Scott, Tom
- Seacroft,
- Seddon, Beatrice
- Sedgwick, F.
- Sedgwick, L.
- Sew Hoy,
- Shannon, J. J.
- Shapley, A. F.
- Shaw, Evelyn
- Shaw, Geo. J.
- Shaw, George B.
- Shaw, J. A.
- Sherriff, George
- Sherwood, Maud
- Shurrock, Francis A.
- Shusen,
- Sievwright,
- Simpson, E.
- Simpson, H.
- Simpson, William
- Sinclair,
- Sinclair,
- Sinclair, A.
- Sinclair, Alfred
- Sinclair, E. M.
- Skill, F. J.
- Slater, Elsie E.
- Smaill, J.
- Smaill, William
- Small, D.
- Smart, J.
- Smith, C. C.
- Smith, Conway
- Smith, Cuningham
- Smith, E. M.
- Smith, F. Brooke
- Smith, J. Corsington
- Smith, L.
- Smith, L. E.
- Smith, Leslie
- Smith, M.
- Smith, M. C.
- Smith, M. E.
- Smith, Mary
- Smith, R. F.
- Smith, Robert F.
- Smith, T. W.
- Smith, Vivian
- Souter, David Henry
- Soyer, Paul
- Speight, A.
- Spence, G.
- Spence, H.
- Spence, M.
- Spence, Percy
- Spencer, M.
- Spencer Bower, Rosa
- Spensley, Isa B.
- Sperrey, Kate
- Spicer, Ella
- Spratt, Jean
- Sprott, William Kinlock
- St John, V. Ellis
- Stark, W. M.
- Stark, Winifred
- Starkey, A. E.
- Statham, E. H.
- Steele, Louis John
- Steele, Maud
- Steer, H. R.
- Steinlin,
- Stephen,
- Stephens,
- Sterndale, C. H. T.
- Stevenson, M. J. S.
- Stewart, H. M.
- Stewart, W. Downie
- Stoddart, Margaret
- Stone, J. W.
- Stott,
- Stott, A.
- Stott, H.
- Stott, J.
- Strack,
- Stronach,
- Strong, E. L.
- Sugden, Alberta M.
- Suker, Arthur
- Suker, F.
- Sunley, G. F.
- Sutherland, H.
- Sutton, Sunday
- Sykes, F.
- Sykes, H.
- Symons, John Corker Vigers
- Tait, J. Melb
- Tait, W.
- Taylor, A. B.
- Taylor, A. Chevalier
- Taylor, Chas.
- Taylor, J. D.
- Taylor, W. J.
- Temple, Edwyn Frederick
- Tennent, Madge
- Thomasson, J. M.
- Thompson,
- Thompson, Ernest Heber
- Thompson, Myra
- Thompson, Sydney Lough
- Thomson,
- Thomson, Annie L.
- Thomson, Ernest H.
- Thomson, Ivy
- Thomson, P. C.
- Thornton, Ceridwen
- Tiller, William E.
- Tindall, C. E. S.
- Tingey, R. L.
- Todd, Ione E
- Tonkin, O. M.
- Topliss, J. A.
- Toulmouche, A.
- Tourrier, G. H.
- Tovey, Gordon
- Tozer, A. E.
- Tregear, F. L.
- Trevithick, F. R.
- Trevithick, James Garland
- Trindall, Gordon L.
- Tripe, Mary Elizabeth
- Tristram, E.
- Tristram, J. W.
- Turnbull,
- Turnbull-Thomson,
- Turner, D.
- Turner, George Addington
- Turner, Kit
- Turton,
- Tyndall, C. E. S.
- Wadham, W. H.
- Wakelin, R. S.
- Wakelin, Roland
- Wakelin, W. C.
- Walbond, E. M.
- Walden, A.
- Walden , E. W
- Waller, C.
- Wallwork, Elizabeth
- Wallwork, Richard
- Walpole, E.
- Walsh, A.
- Walsh, Alfred Wilson
- Walters, G. S.
- Warn, E. Baldwin
- Warren, V.
- Waterlow, E. A.
- Waterlow, L. E.
- Watkin, Len J.
- Watkins, J. S.
- Watkins, Kennett
- Watkins, M.
- Watkins, M.
- Watkins, W.
- Watson, C. J.
- Watson, M. P.
- Wauchop, William Simon
- Webber, Gerald Kingley
- Webster, G.
- Webster, G. M.
- Weeks, John
- Weigall, C. H.
- Welch, Joseph Sandell
- Welch, Nugent Herman
- Westall, R.
- Whately,
- Wheeler, C.
- Wheeler, W. H.
- Whetter, Edith
- White,
- White, C.
- White, C. S.
- White, Daisy
- White, F.
- White, H. L.
- White, John
- White, M. C.
- White, Minnie F.
- Whitney, W. M.
- Whitson, T.
- Whitt, Margaret
- Whitton, M. A.
- Whyte, Alice F.
- Wickenden, Agnes
- Widgery, F. T.
- Wilkinson, Hugh
- Williams, G.
- Williams, Joyce
- Williams, P.
- Williams, T.
- Williams, Terrick
- Williamson, F.
- Williamson, W. J.
- Willson, L.
- Wilson, C. B.
- Wilson, L.
- Wilson, L. W.
- Wilson, R. H.
- Wimperis, A. Jane
- Wimperis, Edmund Monson
- Wimperis, Frances M.
- Wint, De
- Wiseman, Hilda
- Wolinski, Joseph
- Wood, A. J.
- Wood, A. S.
- Wood, B.
- Wood, Colleen
- Woodhouse, K.N.
- Wooley, George Ernest
- Worsley, Charles Nathaniel
- Wright,
- Wright, Frank
- Wright, Joseph
- Wright, Walter
- Wyllie, C.W.