New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts

All these artists exhibited with the New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts at some time between 1882 and 1982.
The NZAFA was founded in Wellington in 1882 and is still active as a society today.
The names are taken from the book Portrait of a Century: The History of the N.Z. Academy of Fine Arts, 1882-1982 by Robin Kay and Tony Eden, which has been digitised by Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetu. The list of exhibitng artists in this book is incomplete because not all catalogues were available when the book was produced. Missing are the Annual Exhibition catalogues for 1896, 1911, 1913, 1915, 1917, 1946 and 1939, the 1964 Sculpture and Graphic Arts Exhibition and the Autumn Exhibitions for 1971, 1972 and 1974.
The archives of the NZAFA, including exhibition catalogues, are held at the Alexander Turnbull Library.
All but one of the annual exhibition catalogues have been digitised by Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū.
311 artists
Filter by year
- Bardsley, Joyce
- Barke, William
- Barker, Maureen
- Barns-Graham, Allan Barclay
- Barraud, W. M.
- Bartlett, Myrtle
- Barton, Cranleigh
- Beken, Olive
- Bendall, Edith Kathleen
- Bertinshaw, Hilary
- Bestall, Leo D.
- Bethune, Phyllis Drummond
- Birch, Ida
- Blackburn, John
- Bourke, Agnes
- Boyes, Edith
- Brass, Clarice
- Bridge, F.
- Bridgford, Reba
- Brighting, D. S.
- Brodie, Trix
- Browne, Ruth D.
- Burge, Maud
- Burgess, Mary-Annette
- Butler, Grace
- Cairncross, Sam
- Calder, Ian F.
- Cameron, Colin F.
- Campbell, Jenny
- Carey, Ida H.
- Carswell, Helga
- Carter, Fay
- Castle, L. R.
- Chapple, Bessie E.
- Christie, Bessie
- Clapson, Mabel
- Clark, Ada Leslie
- Clark, K. I. C.
- Cockerill, Clara
- Collins, Alan G.
- Cooch, C. T.
- Coombe, Henry
- Copeland, Ivy
- Cox, Oliver Gordon
- Crippen, J. W.
- Currie, L. A.
- Currin, Owen
- Curtis, Vera
- Hall, F. V.
- Hancock, Dorothy
- Hanham, Mary
- Harper, Ngaire
- Harrison-Smith, Jocelyn
- Hassall, K. W.
- Hawkins, Esme
- Henderson, Louise
- Higgs, Avis
- Higgs, Sydney Hamlet
- Hill, J. C.
- Hill, Mary
- Hilton, Fay
- Hilton, W.
- Hipkins, Roland
- Holmes, Fanny
- Holmes, K.
- Honour, Basil
- Hopkinson, Charles
- Hursthouse, E. W.
- Hutchinson, P. M.
- Lakeman, E.
- Lattey, Edward B
- Laugesen, Carl Thorwald
- Laurenson, Olive
- Leary, Allan H.
- Lee, Owen R.
- Lee-Johnson, Eric
- Lever, Donald
- Lewens, George E.
- Lewis, D.
- Lissaman, Elizabeth
- Lloyd, Joyce
- Logan, Margaret
- Lovell, Slyvia
- Lovell-Smith, Colin
- Lovell-Smith, Rata
- Lovell-Smith, Richard
- Lumsden, Ruth
- Luxford, Florence
- Macarthur, Joan
- MacDonald, G.
- MacLeannan, Dorothy
- Maclennan, Stewart
- MacNab, D. G.
- Magurk, John
- Manson, Ainslie G.
- Martin, Lilian M.
- Matheson, Elizabeth
- Maudsley, N.
- Maudsley, Nell
- McAllum, Bruce
- McCann, C.
- McDonald, Myrtle
- McDougall, K. C.
- McDowall, Pauline
- McDummypage, Dummy
- McIntyre, Peter
- McLachlan, Gladys
- McNab, D. G.
- McNab, Donald
- McPhee, Duncan
- McPhee, Muriel
- Miller, Harry Vye
- Mills, Marjory
- Milne, W.
- Moncrieff, Perrine
- Moore, John Lysaght
- Moriarty, Peter
- Morris, Edith Emily
- Morton, Dorothy
- Murphy, Vernon
- Packwood, Barbara C.
- Packwood, George
- Page, Evelyn
- Palmer, Aileen
- Parker, Nancy
- Partridge, Beatrice
- Paske, Gertrude R.
- Paterson, Alan Stuart
- Paterson, C. M.
- Patience, Maurice
- Peebles, Don
- Perry, Ivy I.
- Peter, Juliet
- Phillips, Katharine
- Pickmere, Alison
- Plimmer, O. E.
- Porter, P. L.
- Potter, A. Percival
- Price, F. A.
- Ramage, Don
- Rankin, Ruby
- Read, Peter
- Register, Basil Bridge
- Reid, Vera M.
- Rhind, Betty
- Richardson, F.
- Richardson, Fanny
- Richardson, Gwyneth
- Ritchie, John
- Ritchie, Nancy Adkin
- Rive, A.
- Rivers, Leopold
- Robertson, A. H.
- Robieson, E. K.
- Rose, E. K.
- Ross, Clarice
- Rowlands, A. H.
- Rumsam, W.
- Rush, W. J. William James
- Rutherford, Caryll
- Sansom, Robert F.
- Savage, Cedric
- Scarvell, Julia
- Scobie, J. K.
- Seddon, Beatrice
- Self, Richard
- Shewell, F. G.
- Shore-Bennett, Beverley
- Smith, Maurice R.
- Spence, Ian
- Spencer Bower, Olivia
- Spicer, Ella
- Spicer, Peggy
- Stackhouse, John
- Steele, Alice M.
- Steer, Roy Ashton
- Stenberg, Ron
- Stewart,
- Stewart, Dorothy
- Stewart, Helen
- Still, Mabel L.
- Stock, R. B.
- Sutton, W. A.
- Waddell, Pamela
- Waghorn, R.N.
- Waghorn, Reginald J.
- Wallwork, Elizabeth
- Wallwork, Richard
- Washbourn, Enga
- Watson, John
- Watson-Monroe, Yvette
- Wauchop, William Simon
- Webb, Marguerite
- Welch, Nugent Herman
- Wheeler, Colin
- White, A. Lois
- White, Minnie F.
- Whitt, Margaret
- Whyte, Alice F.
- Wickenden, Agnes
- Wiseman, Hilda
- Woolcott, Sina
- Wrigley, H. P.