Sarjeant Gallery Te Whare o Rehua Whanganui

All these artists have an artist file at the Sarjeant Gallery Te Whare o Rehua Whanganui.
What is an artist file? A real file containing notes, clippings, reviews, invitations - in fact almost anything!
Where are they? Whanganui.
How do I see them? By visiting the Gallery.
How do I arrange this? By contacting the librarian or calling +64 (6) 349 0506
317 artists
- Babbage, Herbert
- Baigent, Gary
- Bailey, John
- Ball, Martin
- Bambury, Stephen
- Barc, Helen
- Barrar, Wayne
- Barraud Family,
- Barton, Cranleigh
- Baxter, Alfred E.
- Bayes, Walter
- Bayly, Janet
- Beard, John
- Bell-Pearson, Christine
- Belz, Gabrielle
- Benham, Malcolm
- Bensemann, Leo
- Binney, Don
- Birch, Samuel John Lamorna
- Black, Peter
- Blair, Philippa
- Blomfield, Charles
- Blumhardt, Doreen
- Bogle, Andrew
- Bonheur, Rosa
- Booth, Chris
- Bootham, Joe
- Boswijk, Christine
- Bosworth, Rhondda
- Bourdon, Robert
- Brandon, Nicholas
- Braunias, Mark
- Brickell, Barry
- Brittain, Rosemarie
- Brokenshire, David
- Brown, Gordon H.
- Brown, Helen
- Brown, Nigel
- Browne, Michael
- Buckland-Wright, John
- Bunkley, Brit
- Busch, Glenn
- Bustin, Debra
- Butcher, Charles
- d'Auvergne Boxall, Arthur
- Dadson, Phil
- Darragh, Judy
- Dashper, Julian
- Davies, Shona Rapira
- Dawe, Bing
- Dawson, Margaret
- Dawson, Neil
- Day, Melvin N.
- de Boer, Andrew
- De Forest, Henry Josiah
- de Lautour, Tony
- Delph, Birtchenell
- Denton, Frank
- Dibert, Rita
- Dickison, Roy
- Doust, Ethelwyn
- Drake, Ernest D.
- Drawbridge, John
- Driver, Don
- Drummond, Andrew
- Duncan, John Cam
- Dutch, Doris
- MacDiarmid, Douglas
- Macdonald, Catherine
- Macgregor, Hemi
- Maclennan, Stewart
- Macleod, Euan
- MacNab, Iain
- MacPherson, Mary
- Maddox, Allen
- Maguire, Marian
- Martyn, Adrienne
- Maseyk, Paul
- Masters, Peter
- Matchitt, Para
- Mawhinney, Neville
- McBey, James
- McCahon, Colin
- McCarthy, Albert
- McCormack, T. A.
- McCracken, Francis
- McDummypage, Dummy
- McEvoy, Ambrose
- McIntyre, Peter
- McIntyre, Raymond
- McIntyre, Simon
- McKay, Kathleen
- McLeod, Rob
- McMillan, Ian
- McPhail, Barbara
- McWhannell, Richard
- Meads, Patti
- Meertens, Victor
- Milne, Margaret
- Missen, Constance
- Mitchell-Anyon, Leigh
- Mitchell-Anyon, Ross
- Moore, Catherine
- Murray, Keith Day Pearce
- Ransom, Peter
- Rayner, Paul
- Reddaway, Richard
- Reed, William James
- Reynolds, John
- Rhodes, Pauline
- Richardson, H Linley
- Richmond, Dorothy Kate
- Richmond, William Blake
- Ritchie, Ross
- Robinson, James
- Robinson, Peter
- Roche, Peter
- Rogers, Ray
- Ross, Andrew
- Ross, James
- Rothenstein, William
- Rubbo, A. Dattilo
- Rudd, Rick
- Sadler, Water Dendy
- Sameshima, Haru
- Savage, Cedric
- Scales, Flora
- Scott, Ian
- Scott, James F
- Scott, John
- Shannon, Marie
- Shepherd, Michael
- Sherriff, George
- Sherwood, Maud
- Shine, Cathryn
- Smith, Lilian Ida
- Smith, Vivian
- Smither, Michael
- Smitheram, Neville
- Spencer Bower, Olivia
- Steele, Louis John
- Steer, Philip Wilson
- Storm, Graeme
- Stringer, Terry
- Summers, Llewelyn
- Sutton, W. A.
- Sydney, Grahame
- Tan, Yuk King
- Taylor, Alan
- Taylor, E. Mervyn
- Taylor, Rob
- Thomas, Mark
- Thompson, Pauline
- Thompson, Sydney Lough
- Thornley, Geoff
- Thornley, Roberta
- Tibbo, Teuane
- Tippett, Warren
- Todd, Yvonne
- Tole, Charles
- Tomlin, Jim
- Traub, David
- Tricker, Gary
- Trusttum, Philip
- Tuffery, Michel
- Turner, Dennis Knight
- Tweedie, Merylyn
- Twist, Nicholas
- Waghorn, Reginald J.
- Wakelin, Roland
- Wall, Diana
- Walters, Gordon
- Watkins, Denys
- Watson, Ruth
- Webb, Boyd
- Webb, Marilynn Lois
- Webb, Melvin
- Webster, Christine
- Weeks, John
- Welch, Nugent Herman
- Westra, Ans
- White, A. Lois
- White, Robin
- Whiteman, Violet Emily
- Whiting, Cliff
- Williams, Mervyn
- Williams, Terrick
- Wong, Brent
- Woollaston, Toss
- Wright, Frank