Nineteenth Century New Zealand Artists: A Guide and Handbook

All these artists appear in the book Nineteenth Century New Zealand Artists: A Guide and Handbook by Una Platts.
This book was published by Avon Fine Prints (now New Zealand Fine Prints) in 1980 and is an indispensible guide to early New Zealand artists.
Two versions are available online: an electronic text version from the New Zealand Electronic Text Centre at Victoria University, Welllington and a digital facsimile from Christchurch City Libraries.
Some of the information in this publication is now known to be incorrect. Where we discover this we record the details of our evidence and adjust our records accordingly. The original publication obviously remains unchanged.
1296 artists
- Acland, Bessie
- Acock, W. W
- Adam, John S
- Adams, Eleanor Juliet
- Adamson, William
- Adland, R.
- Agate, Alfred T.
- Airey, M
- Aldis, Albert Edward
- Alexander, Harry
- Alexander, James Edward
- Alexander, John Staples
- Alington, William Herbert
- Allan, A. S.
- Allan, Joseph Stewart
- Allen, George Frederic
- Allen, Mary
- Allen, Robert W.
- Allom, Albert James
- Anderson, Harold
- Anderson, R. N.
- Anderson, Robert Shortried
- Andrew, J. C.
- Andrews, Archibald
- Andrews, E.
- Angas, George French
- Annabell, John
- Annabell, Joseph
- Anscombe, Edmond
- Anscombe, Eliza
- Archibald, Helen M.
- Archibald, M. H.
- Arden, Fanny
- Arden, Francis Hamar
- Arden, Hamar Humphrey
- Armitage, Charles Edward
- Arndt, Mina
- Arnold, E
- Arthur, William
- Ash, John Willsteed
- Ashton, Julian Rossi
- Ashworth, Edward
- Aston, Murray
- Atcherley, Henry Mount Langton
- Atkinson, Esmond Hurworth
- Atkinson, Robert
- Attwood, Thomas Reginald
- Aubrey, Christopher
- Babbage, Herbert
- Baber, James
- Babington, Gisborne
- Babington, Thomas A
- Backhouse, John Philemon
- Bacon, Alfred Edward
- Baden-Powell, C. M. M.
- Baentree, Edward W.
- Bagnall, Percy
- Baillie, H.
- Baillie, John Denzil
- Baker, William George
- Balfour, James Lawson
- Ball, Thomas
- Ballantyne, Kenneth Morrin
- Ballantyne, Robert Wallace Stanley
- Ballantyne, William E.
- Bambridge, William
- Bannister, William
- Barke, James F.
- Barker, Alfred Charles
- Barker, Annie
- Barker, Norman
- Barnes, Drury Richard
- Barnes, Frank
- Barnes, W. Rodney
- Barnicoat, John Wallis
- Barraud, Charles Decimus
- Barraud, E. Noel
- Barraud, Francis Philip
- Barraud, Jessie
- Barraud, William Francis
- Bartley, Edward
- Bartley, Edwin
- Basch, Pauline Louise
- Bassett, William
- Bates, Henry Stratton
- Bathgate, John
- Battiscombe, Alfred H. W.
- Bauchop, Maria
- Baxter, Alfred E.
- Baxter, George
- Bay, A.
- Beale, George Clarendon
- Bear, J. P.
- Beauchamp, Robert Proctor
- Beechey, Richard Brydges
- Beetham, Lucelle Frances
- Beetham, Richmond
- Beetham, William
- Begg, Samuel
- Bell, Elizabeth
- Bell, Francis Dillon
- Bell, Mabel E. L.
- Bellairs, Edmund Hooke Wilson
- Bellairs, Eugene
- Bennet, J.
- Bennie, James
- Benson, Emma Elizabeth
- Berger, A
- Berger, Gottlieb Henry
- Berggren, Sven
- Best, Elsdon
- Best, Madeline
- Best, Samuel
- Bianchi, F. O
- Bickerton, Charles E
- Bini, C
- Binzer, William
- Birch, Samuel John Lamorna
- Bischoff, Charles Ferdinand
- Black, Alice
- Blacke, Annie Taylor
- Blackett, Isabel M.
- Blackett, John
- Blair, David
- Blair, Mary Ramsay Ellen
- Bleazard, Clara
- Bleazard, Eden Emma
- Blomfield, Bessie
- Blomfield, Charles
- Blomfield, John Collis
- Blomfield, William
- Bock, William Rose
- Bollard, Albert
- Bollard, William Allen
- Bond, J. A.
- Boodle, Walter
- Bootes, H. H.
- Booth, Leonard
- Booth, Robert B.
- Boresfield, O. L. W
- Boscawen, John Hugh
- Boswell, Edward Blair Buchanan
- Bothamley, Arthur Thomas
- Bower, Mary
- Bowers, Henry T.
- Bowring, G.
- Bowring, Walter Armiger
- Bowry, William
- Boyd, A. S.
- Bradey, C. M
- Bradey, F.
- Bradey, Francis
- Branfill, Benjamin
- Bray, W. B.
- Brees, Samuel Charles
- Bridge, Cyprian
- Brierly, Oswald Walter
- Brock, Edward John
- Brock, Eleanor
- Brock, W.
- Brodie, Catherine
- Brookes, Edward Stanley
- Brookesmith, Frank
- Brooks, Vincent
- Broome, Florence
- Bror, Gustav Lindvall
- Brown, E.
- Brown, James
- Brown, Jessie
- Brown, T.
- Brown, William
- Browne, William Ferris
- Browning, John
- Bruce , M. A.
- Brunton, Fanny W
- Buchanan, Emma
- Buchanan, John
- Buckland, Elizabeth
- Buckland, Jessie Lillian
- Buckland, Rachel Susan Christabel
- Buick, Agnes Mary
- Buller, Arthur Perceval
- Buller, Walter Lawry
- Bullock, Margaret
- Bullock-Webster, Henry
- Bunbury, Thomas
- Burchell, F.
- Burcher, K.
- Burge, Maud
- Burgess, W. E.
- Burgoyne, W. H.
- Burns, J. H.
- Burnside, John Arthur
- Butler, George Edmund
- Butler, Grace
- Butler, Margaret
- Butler, Samuel
- Byles, W. Hounsom
- Caird, James A. H
- Calder, John
- Cambridge, Allan Bowles
- Cambridge, Allan R
- Campbell, A. Le G
- Campbell, Charles
- Campion, C. J
- Cane, Thomas
- Carabain, Jacques
- Carbery, Andrew R Dillion
- Carey, Robert
- Carrington, G. W.
- Carroll,
- Carter, John
- Carter, W. H. Jnr
- Chapman, Alfred
- Chapman, Emilie
- Chapman, Ernest Arthur
- Chapman, Frederic Revans
- Chapman, Henry Samuel
- Chapman, M.
- Chapman, R. A
- Chapman, Vera
- Chapman, W. Ernest
- Chatfield,
- Chatfield, William C
- Chazal, Antoine Toussaint de
- Cheeseman, E. M.
- Cheeseman, Josephine
- Cheeseman, Thomas
- Chevalier, Nicholas
- Christie, E. A.
- Christmas, E. W.
- Churley, P. Leith
- Clark, Edwin
- Clark, R. J.
- Clarke, Cuthbert Charles
- Clarke, E.
- Clarke, Herman
- Clarke, J.
- Clarke, J. C. R
- Clarke, S.
- Clayton, E. M.
- Clayton, George Thomas
- Clayton, Matthew Thomas
- Clayton, William Henry
- Clement, Gustav
- Clere, Frederick de Jersey
- Cleveley, James
- Cleveley, John
- Clouston, R. S.
- Cockerell, E. A.
- Codrington, R. H.
- Coffey, Alfred R.
- Colburn, J
- Cole, Francis I.
- Colenso, William
- Collier, Edith
- Collier, Matraves
- Collingridge, Arthur de Tourcey
- Collinson, Thomas Bernard
- Colquhoun, A.
- Colson, T.
- Colville, Jane
- Connell, B.
- Connell, C.
- Connell, N. D.
- Connelly, P. Frank
- Connelly, W. G.
- Cook,
- Cook, Arthur
- Cooke, Albert C.
- Cooke, Edward William
- Cooke, Morgan
- Coombes, W. T.
- Cooper, Alfred John
- Cooper, G. H.
- Cooper, T. S.
- Cooper, Thornhill
- Cooper, William Marshall
- Coote, Henry Joseph
- Corbet, E. Goring
- Corbett, William
- Cousins, A. E.
- Cousins, Thomas Selby
- Cox, Winifred
- Crawford, James Coutts
- Cridland, Henry John
- Crombie, A. M
- Crombie, C. A. M.
- Crowe, H. G.
- Croy, H. G.
- Cuff, Gwenneth S.
- Culliford, Eliza Gillett
- Cuningham Smith, William
- Cusscott, R.
- Cuthbertson, John Robert
- Daff, Lillian Atty
- Dashwood, George
- Davidson, James
- Davis, John
- Day, M.
- De Forest, Henry Josiah
- De Lacey,
- de Montalk, Maude Annie
- de Ritz, Pseudonym for H.T. Garratt
- de Sainson, Louis Auguste
- De Vidts, Marechal Theodore Rene Stanislas
- Deas, Kenneth
- Debney, R. J.
- Deverell, Walter
- Dick, Jane
- Dilly, George
- Dinnett, Frank George
- Diston, J. Swinton
- Dittmer, Wilhelm
- Dixon, Eliza Agnes
- Dobbie, Herbert Boucher
- Dobie, Beatrix C.
- Dobie, Mary Beatrix
- Dobson, Annie
- Dobson, Arthur Dudley
- Dobson, Edward
- Domett, Alfred
- Donald, W
- Donnelly, T. J.
- Douglas, Charles Edward
- Douglass, P.
- Downes, T. H.
- Downes, Thomas William
- Driver, Henry Dunn
- Driver, R. D.
- Drummond, T. L
- Drury, B.
- Duke, William Charles
- Dumergue, Florence
- Duncan, F. Melville
- Duncan, G
- Dunn, Bessie Dyke
- Dunn, Charles Arthur
- Dunne, R.
- Duppa, George
- Durey, J.
- Durie, H.
- Dutton, Thomas Goldsworthy
- Earl, Robert
- Earle, Augustus
- Earp, Georges
- Earp, W. H
- Eastham, John
- Eastwood, Charles
- Eastwood, William
- Edgar, W.
- Edmunds, C.
- Edmunds, Frederick
- Edwin, Irene
- Edwin, Robert Atherton
- Eichelbaum, Vera
- Eliot, Whately
- Elliott, George
- Ellis, William Wade
- Elmsley, Thomas
- Elton, William Hallam
- Elvin, G. H
- Elwes, M.
- Enderby, C
- England, Robert West
- Ensor, Walter
- Enys, Charles
- Enys, John Davies
- Erskine, Ralph F.
- Evans, Emma Maria
- Evans, Frederick John Owen
- Every, Simon Frederick
- Ewart, W.
- Ewen, C. J
- Eyre, Jane
- Eyton, T. W.
- Fairburn, Edwin
- Fairholm, W. E.
- Fallwell, Alice
- Farr, Samuel Coleridge
- Fastier, Walter Aristide
- Fawcett, George
- Featon, Sarah Ann
- Fell, Charles Yates
- Fell, Walter
- Fenton,
- Fenton, Amy L.
- Fenton, Annie
- Fenton, E.
- Fereday, Richard William
- Ferrier, William
- Ffitch, Henry
- Field, Isabel
- Fielding, T. H
- Firth, Clara Clifton
- Fischer, Carl
- Fisher, A. H
- Fitchett, Margaret
- Fitler, James
- Fitler, William Crothers
- Fitzgerald, Gerald
- Fitzgerald, James
- Fitzgerald, James Edward
- Fitzherbert, Herbert G.
- Fitzherbert, William Alfred
- Fletcher, Frances Ann
- Florance, Augustus H.
- Flowerday, F. W
- Fodor, George F.
- Fooks, Charles Edward
- Forbes, C. S
- Forde, Edward
- Forster, G. F
- Forster, Johann Reinhold
- Forster, T. H.
- Forster, W.
- Forsyth, Jim
- Foster, Charles William
- Foster, E.
- Foster, E. G.
- Fox, Morris
- Fox, William
- Francis, H.
- Frank, Louis
- Franklin, Agnes
- Fraser, Alexander R.
- Fraser, D. W
- Fraser, J. B
- Fraser, M
- Fraser, R
- Frere, T.
- Fristrom, Edward
- Frood, Hester
- Frost, J.
- Fuller, T. E
- Fuller, W. G
- Fulton, Robert
- Fulton, W. W.
- Fyfe, John George
- Gapes, William
- Gard'ner, Mima
- Gard'ner, Nora
- Gardiner, Thomas
- Garnham, George H
- Gash, M.
- Gates, Fanny C.
- Gaut, Joseph
- Gear, Arthur Handel
- Gee, Matilda
- Geisler, Wilhelm
- Geisow, Kitty
- George, Percy
- George, Sydney Spencer
- George, Thomas
- Gibb, John
- Gibb, William Menzies
- Gibbard, Lilian
- Gibbes, F. B
- Gibbs, D.
- Gibson, Helen F
- Gifford, A. C.
- Gifford, E. A.
- Gilbert, George Alexander
- Gilbert, George Channing
- Gilfillan, John Alexander
- Gill, E
- Gill, Robert Askew
- Gillies, Emily
- Gladstone, William E
- Glover, Henry Heath
- Godfrey, T.
- Godfrey, T. Louis
- Godwin, William
- Gold, Charles Emilius
- Goldie, Charles Frederick
- Goldie, William H.
- Good, Thomas
- Gordon, Clara Clifton
- Gordon, W. F.
- Gordon Cumming, Constance
- Gore, Henry Moreland
- Gouldsmith, Edmund
- Goy, F. H.
- Grant,
- Grant, Elizabeth Forrest
- Graves, A. E
- Gray, Ada
- Gray, Mabel Kaye
- Green, Samuel Edwy
- Green, William Spotswood
- Greene, Kathrina
- Greene, William
- Greenstreet, E. J
- Greenwood, Jane
- Greenwood, John
- Greenwood, John Danforth
- Greenwood, Miss
- Greenwood, Sarah
- Gregory, George
- Grey, Charles
- Grindell, James
- Gross, Richard Oliver
- Grubb, Alexander Henry Watkins
- Gulliver, William
- Gully, John
- Gundry, Arthur
- Gwynne-Evans, Hester
- Haast, Julius von
- Halcombe, Edith Stanway
- Hale, L.
- Hales, D. Orren
- Hales, Samuel
- Hall, John Vine
- Hamerton, J. W
- Hamilton, Andrew
- Hamilton, Augustus
- Hamilton, William James Warburton
- Hamley, Joseph Osbertus C.B.
- Hammett, J. M.
- Hammon, G. Hamilton
- Handcock, William
- Handforth, Mark P
- Hankey, William Lee
- Hannaford, Michael
- Hanson, Albert J.
- Harker, Edward
- Harlock, William Henry
- Harman, Richard S. Dacre
- Harper, Emily Weddell
- Harris, Edwin
- Harris, Emily Cumming
- Harrison, Robert
- Hartley, Margaret
- Hatton, W. S.
- Haubro, Charles Christian
- Haultain, T. M.
- Hawcridge, Robert
- Hawker, H. N.
- Hawkins, Louisa
- Hawkins, William Webster
- Hay, F.
- Hay, H. C.
- Hay, R.
- Haylock, Arthur Lagden
- Heaphy, Charles
- Hector, James
- Heginbotham, Joseph Alfred
- Heighway, F
- Hellaby, Richard S.
- Hemus, Charles
- Henderson, David
- Herdman-Smith, Robert
- Herepath, Philip
- Herepath, S. M.
- Hetley, Georgina
- Heysen, Hans
- Higgs, Sydney Hamlet
- Hill, Mabel
- Hilliard, George R.
- Hiscocks, Ecildoune Frederick
- Hitchings, N. Stephen
- Hochstetter, Ferdinand von
- Hocken, Elizabeth Mary
- Hodges, William
- Hodgkins, Frances
- Hodgkins, Isabel Jane
- Hodgkins, Percy D'Esterre
- Hodgkins, William Mathew
- Hodgson, T.
- Hogan, Patrick Joseph
- Holland, J.
- Hollobon, Jesse
- Holloway, Margaret Brenda
- Holmes, Alice Hester
- Holmes, Annie Julia
- Holmes, C.
- Holmes, Henry
- Holmes, J. H.
- Holmes, James Stuart
- Holmes, Katherine McLean
- Holmes, R. T.
- Holmes, W. H.
- Hope, Edward
- Hope, Esther Studholme
- Hopkins, Richard
- Hornbrook, Alfred
- Horne, Constance W
- Horne, Mary W.
- Horsburgh, J.
- Horsfall, John Atheston
- Horsley, John
- Howard, Eliot
- Howard, J. J .
- Howell, George
- Howorth, Charles Henry
- Hoyte, J. C.
- Hubbard, Percy
- Huddleston, Fortescue Francis Croft
- Huddlestone, J. C. C.
- Huddlestone, W. F
- Hughes, Eleanor
- Hughes, J.
- Hughes, John
- Hughes, Joseph Leonard Wharton
- Hughes, Ned
- Hunt, Albert Vyvyan
- Hunt, R.
- Hunter, Ashley
- Hunter, Norman Mitchell
- Hurst Seager, Samuel
- Hutchinson, Allen
- Hutton, David Con
- Hutton, David E.
- Hutton, F. W.
- Hutton, Nellie
- Hutton, Thomas Biddulph
- Jack, James Whitson
- Jackson, Edmond H.
- Jackson, Margaret
- James, Lemmes
- Jameson, Cecil Stuart
- Jarman, A .
- Jeffreys, Elizabeth Georgiana
- Jeffreys, Ellen Penelope
- Jeffreys, Frances
- Jeffreys, Gertrude Sarah
- Jeffreys, William Richard
- Jennings, T. S.
- Jervois, William Francis Drummond
- Jessett, George F.
- Joachim, Susanna White
- Joel, Grace
- Johnson, John
- Johnson, John Grant
- Johnston, J.
- Johnstone, C. J.
- Johnstone, H. J.
- Jollie, Edward
- Jones, Clements
- Jones, Dudley William Cormalt
- Jones, E. Fraser
- Jones, F. L.
- Jones, F. W.
- Jones, Humphrey
- Jones, I. N.
- Jones, Minnie
- Jones, Nina Lucy Mary
- Jones, Theodore Morton
- Jones, W. B.
- Joy, George William
- Jury, Henry
- Jury, R.
- Keals, W. R.
- Keenan, Thomas
- Keesing, Samuel R.
- Kelly, A. Elizabeth
- Kelly, Cecil
- Kelly, J. D.
- Kelly, Richard Seymour
- Kemp, Thomas S.
- Kendon, Elizabeth
- Kennaway, Laurence J.
- Kennedy,
- Kennedy, Mrs Margaret
- Kenyon, May
- Kerry, Catherine Wright
- Kerry, Claude L.
- Kerry, R. Talbot
- Kettle, Charles Henry
- Keulemans, Johannes Geraudus
- Kidson, Charles
- Kilgour, James
- Killick, Ernest Anthony Shadwell
- Kimbell, Maud
- Kinder, John
- King, Charles McArthur
- King, John
- King, Martha
- Kinloch, E.
- Kinsey, William Henry Scott
- Kirk, Thomas
- Kirkwood, Henry William
- Knox, F. J
- Koch, Augustus Karl Frederick
- Laishley, Richard
- Lake, Tom
- Lambert, Thomas Stoddart
- Lance, George
- Lang, Andrew
- Lauvergne, Barthelemy
- Lavin, John
- Lawson, A.
- Lawson, R. A.
- Le Breton, Louis
- Le Cren, Daisy
- Lear, Miss
- Lee, G. Lincoln
- Leigh, William H
- Lejeune, Louis-François
- Leslie, Walter J
- Lethbridge, -
- Liardet, Sydney Evelyn
- Liardet, Wilbraham Frederick Evelyn
- Ligar, Charles Whybrow
- Lindauer, Gottfried
- Lindvall, A. G.
- Ling, Bella
- Lingard, May
- Little, Ralph Townley
- Lloyd, Arthur John
- Lloyd, Henry
- Lloyd, Henry Grant
- Lloyd, Herbert
- Lloyd, Trevor
- Long, Sid
- Longueville,
- Loughnan, B.
- Lovell-Smith, Edgar M.
- Lowe, John Henry
- Ludwig, -
- Ludwig, Emma
- Luke, E.
- Lush, Anne
- Luxford, G. H.
- Lyndon, Edward
- Lysaght, E. A.
- Lysaght, Mary Grace Caroline
- Lysaght, Patrick
- Lysaght, Sophia Augusta
- Lysnar, C.
- Lysnar, W. D.
- Lytell, Annie
- M'kenzie, J. R.
- Macey, Mabel E
- Macey, William H
- Macgregor, John
- Mackay, Colin
- Macky, E. Spencer
- Madden, John M.
- Mahoney, Frank P
- Mahoney, Thomas
- Mair, Eleanor Kate
- Maling, Christopher
- Mallett, Mary Ann
- Mann, Gother Kerr
- Mannings, E. E.
- Mantell, Walter
- Maplestone, H.
- Marple, Walter Henry
- Marshall, Mary Frederica
- Martens, Conrad
- Martin, Albert
- Martin, Albin
- Martin, D. E. B.
- Martin, Fanny
- Martin, H.
- Martin, J.
- Massey, Charles Beeston
- Masters, Mary Morton
- Mather, Emma Elizabeth
- Matheson, J.
- Mathew, Felton
- Mathewman, Harold
- Matthews, Marmaduke
- May, Clai
- McAra, Johnston
- McCarthy, J.
- McCleverty, William Anson
- McCombie ,
- McCormack, T. A.
- McCosh Clark, Kate Emma
- McCracken, Francis
- McDonald, James Ingram
- McDonald, Jessie L
- McDonnell, Thomas
- McDougall, Catherine
- McDummypage, Dummy
- McGoun, D.
- McGoun, R. P.
- McIndoe, Mabel
- McIntosh, J. C.
- McIntyre, Raymond
- McLaren, M.
- McLean, Annie C.
- McLean, Hester
- McLeod, William
- McMaster, J.
- McNeill,
- Meadows, Joseph Kenny
- Meeson, Dora
- Mein Smith, William
- Mellish,
- Melville, Henry
- Melvin, William S.
- Merrett, Joseph Jenner
- Merrett, Thomas Edward
- Merritt, E. J
- Merton, Owen
- Meryon, Charles
- Messenger,
- Messenger, Arthur Herbert
- Messenger, William Bazire
- Miller, John W.
- Miller, Louisa Winifred
- Mills, Ada
- Mills, J.
- Minchin, R. E
- Mitford, John Guise
- Moerenhout, -
- Mongredie, H.
- Monkhouse, Thomas S.
- Monkhouse, Warwick
- Monro, Charles George
- Montague, Arthur M.
- Montgomery, Jane
- Montgomery, William Hugh
- Moore-Jones, Horace
- Moreton, Samuel H.
- Morgan, M.
- Morice, Ada
- Morison, W. L.
- Morley, F.
- Morris, J. R.
- Morris, J. R.
- Morris, J. R. Jr
- Morris, J. T.
- Morris, Rose Cherry
- Morrison, A. J.
- Morrison, J.
- Morrison, Walter L.
- Morrow, Arthur
- Morton, Mary
- Moultray, Henry D.
- Moultray, James Douglas
- Moultray, John Elder
- Mountfort, Benjamin
- Moxham, Charles J
- Mueller, Gerhard
- Muir, Thomas Mintaro Bailey
- Mundy, Godfrey Charles
- Munnings, Edith
- Munro, John Alexander
- Muntz, Charles Adolphus
- Murton, J. P
- Nairn, Betsey
- Nairn, Frank
- Nairn, James
- Nattrass, Luke
- Needham, J.
- Nerli, Girolamo
- Nevill, Samuel Tarratt
- Neville, Louis
- Newhill, Stewart
- Nicholas, James N
- Nicholas, John Liddiard
- Nicholas, William
- Nicholls, A. R.
- Nicholson, J. W.
- Nicholson, John
- Nicholson, John Howard
- Nicholson, Sophia Elizabeth
- Nicholson, Thomas
- Nicol, Erskine
- Nicoll, Archibald
- Niven, F. W
- Norman, Edmund
- Norris, Margaret
- Norris, Marryat
- Norris, Rupert
- North, Marianne
- Nutt, Emily
- Packe, George
- Packe, William
- Packer, E. E.
- Page, George Hyde
- Page, J.
- Page, M
- Palethorpe, Joseph L.
- Palmer, Alfred Pickering
- Palmer, Charles
- Palmer, Robert G
- Paris, Edmond-François
- Parish, R. H.
- Park, M. J.
- Park, Robert
- Parkinson, Sydney
- Parnell, P. W.
- Parnell, Samuel Duncan
- Parry, A.
- Parsons, H. W.
- Parsons, W. F.
- Partridge, Beatrice
- Partridge, Florence
- Partridge, Rowland
- Paton, Frederick
- Pattle, H. H.
- Payne, David J.
- Payton, Edward William
- Peacocke, Fitzroy
- Pearse, John
- Pearson, G. A.
- Peebles, Will
- Peele, James
- Peerless, Thomas
- Pentelow, E.
- Peppercorne, C. E.
- Percival, Alice Maud
- Percival, Amy A.
- Percival, Harold
- Percival, William James
- Perrett, John Douglas
- Petherick, Walter James
- Pharazyn, Charles
- Pharazyn, Charles Johnston
- Pharazyn, Edward de C.
- Pharazyn, M.
- Pharazyn, Robert
- Phelps, S.
- Pheney, Richard Cliff Francis
- Pheney, Robert Francis Vaughan
- Pillans, Francis Scott
- Pilliet, Walter Hippolyte
- Pinckney, Edith
- Pinkerton, Wallace
- Piron, M.
- Pitkethley, George R.
- Polack, Joel Samuel
- Poole, Thomas
- Porter, Frederick
- Porter, Robert Field
- Potts, Thomas Henry
- Potts, William
- Power, Harold Septimus
- Power, Peter
- Power, William Tyrone
- Pownall, Robert Wilkinson
- Pratt, William H.
- Prescott, Norman
- Preston, James
- Prideaux, Editha Greville
- Prior, Connie
- Procter, May
- Proctor,
- Proctor, J. M.
- Proctor, Robert
- Pruden, George E.
- Pruden, T. A
- Puckey, Cora
- Purchas, Gertrude W.
- Purchase, A.
- Pym, Montagu
- Pynsent, Edith
- Pynsent, Marion
- Raine, Alice
- Ralph, T. T .
- Ralston-Bourdot, T.
- Rawlins, E.
- Raworth, William Henry
- Rawson, Henry Freer
- Read, Charles Rusden
- Redfern, George
- Redman, F. T.
- Redmayne, Thomas
- Rees, William Gilbert
- Reid, Robert
- Reid, Thomas
- Reynolds, Frances Edith
- Rhodes, Ettie
- Riby, Thomas William
- Richards,
- Richardson, F. E.
- Richardson, Fanny
- Richardson, Frederick Hall
- Richardson, H Linley
- Richmond, Christopher William
- Richmond, Dorothy Kate
- Richmond, James Crowe
- Ridings, Kate
- Ridings, Minnie
- Riley, Arthur Dewhurst
- Ritchie, P. Leith
- Roberts, Alice
- Roberts, Dorothy
- Roberts, Florance Charlotte
- Roberts, Thomas William
- Roberts, William Stewart Weeding
- Robertson, Andrew
- Robertson, David Olgilvie
- Robertson, Thomas
- Robin, Alfred William
- Robins, T. S.
- Robinson, L.
- Robley, Horatio Gordon
- Rollason, James Bernard Richard Walter
- Roscoe, Helen D.
- Roscoe, Stanley
- Ross, Dagmar
- Ross, David
- Ross, Forrest Elizabeth
- Rountree, Harry
- Rowe, George Curtis Fawcett
- Ruddock, Anne
- Rumsey, Edward
- Russell, Charles
- Russell, H. Hamilton
- Rutherford,
- Ryan, Thomas
- Sadd, Charlotte Ann
- Sale, Molly D.
- Sanderson, J.
- Sandys, Edwin Robert Stapylton
- Sawtell, E. Rosa
- Saxton, John Waring
- Schell, Frederic B.
- Schmidt, Armin A.
- Schmidt, John Diedrich
- Schmidt, William
- Scott, David
- Scott, Hugh
- Scott, James F
- Scott, John Halliday
- Scott, M
- Scraggs, Sydney
- Sealy, Edward Percy
- Sealy, H. P.
- Sedgwick, F.
- Sells, Violet Emily
- Severn, Henry A.
- Seymour, E. J.
- Sharland, Florance Charlotte
- Sharpe, Alfred
- Shaw, George B.
- Shaw, J. A.
- Sheath, E, L and M
- Sherriff, George
- Shortland, Edward
- Shurrock, Francis A.
- Sievwright,
- Silk,
- Silk, Thomas
- Simpson, Nellie
- Sinclair, Andrew
- Sinclair, George
- Skeet, M. R
- Smaill, William
- Smedley, J.
- Smith, A. E. Fox
- Smith, Charles Hamilton
- Smith, G. W
- Smith, John P
- Smith, Maurice Crompton
- Smith, R. F.
- Smith, Sidney
- Smith, Stephenson Percy
- Smith, William Mein
- Snow, R.
- Sommerville, A. M
- Souter, David Henry
- Spencer,
- Spencer Bower, Rosa
- Spensely, Isa
- Sperrey, Kate
- Spicer, Archibald Hichens
- Spicer, Ella
- Spiller,
- Spooner, James Swinton
- Sprott, William Kinlock
- St. George, A. T
- Stack, Frederick Rice
- Stack, James West
- Stamper, Frances Ann
- Stanley, Owen
- Stanley, Thomas Litchfield
- Steel, A. W
- Steele, Louis John
- Sterndale, C. H. T.
- Stevens, Edward Cephas John
- Stevens, George Treacy
- Stevenson, Elizabeth
- Stevenson, Gertrude W.
- Stewart, G.
- Stewart, John Tiffin
- Stoddart,
- Stoddart, Frances
- Stoddart, Margaret
- Stokes, John Lort
- Stott, A.
- Stott, J.
- Stowe, Jane
- Stowe, Leonard
- Strack, Annie
- Stratford, A. J.
- Street, Mrs
- Strutt, William
- Stuart, C. F.
- Stuart, Sam
- Sturtevant, George
- Sturtevant, George Neville
- Sutherland, Kenneth Leith
- Swainson, Edith Stanway
- Swainson, George Frederick
- Swainson, Henry Gabriel
- Swainson, Lucelle Frances
- Swainson, Mary Frederica
- Swainson, William
- Swainson, William John
- Swan, J. S.
- Swanson, Jessie Anderson
- Swanson, William
- Swaynee, J. G.
- Swyer, Charles R.
- Sykes, F.
- Symons, John Corker Vigers
- Tackabery, Florence
- Tait, W. H.
- Tanner, Joseph
- Tanner, Mary
- Tasker, John
- Taylor, Annie S.
- Taylor, Basil Kirk
- Taylor, Mary Catherine
- Taylor, Richard
- Temple, Edwyn Frederick
- Temple, L. B.
- Terry, Lionel
- Thomas, E. A. C
- Thompson, C. W.
- Thompson, Sydney Lough
- Thomson, J. Sinclair
- Thomson, John Turnbull
- Thornton, Neville R
- Tiffen, Louisa Winifred
- Tiller, W.
- Tizard, E
- Tizard, Henry William
- Todhunter, Jane
- Townsend, James
- Townsend, Mary
- Trafford, Benjamin William Rawson
- Travers, William Travers Locke
- Treanore, J. D
- Trenwith, Martin
- Trevithick, James Garland
- Trimble, Annie E. N.
- Tripe, Mary Elizabeth
- Tripp, Edith
- Tripp, Ella Howard
- Tripp, H. L. M
- Tronson, Fairlie H
- Tuckett, Frederick
- Turner, A. E.
- Turner, Charles
- Turner, E. J. Dorothy
- Turner, George Addington
- Tye, M.
- Tyree , William
- Vahland, W. C.
- Vaile, Maude
- Valpy, Catherine
- Valpy, Catherine Henrietta Elliot
- Valpy, Ellen Penelope
- van der Velden, Petrus
- Varley, Frank
- Vaughan, E. B
- Vawser, C
- Veitch, C
- Veitch, John
- Vernon, Beatrix
- Vigors, Philip D.
- Villiers, -
- Vincent, William
- Von Guerard, Eugen
- von Guérard, Eugène
- Von hochstetter, Ferdinand
- Von Meyern, Arthur
- Von Meyern, Blanche
- Von Meyern, Ellen
- von Tempsky, Gustavus Ferdinand
- Wadham, William Joseph
- Wakelin, Roland
- Waldegrave, Frank
- Walden , E. W
- Wales, Nathaniel Young Armstrong
- Walker, F. C
- Walker, James
- Wallace, Harry
- Wallace, John
- Wallwork, Elizabeth
- Wallwork, Richard
- Walrond, Emma Maria
- Walsh, Alfred Wilson
- Walsh, James
- Walsh, Philip
- Warburton, A. G.
- Warburton, Charlotte Elizabeth
- Wardell, Herbert S
- Warner, Horatio Nelson
- Warner, Thomas
- Warre, Henry James
- Washburn, Catherine
- Waters, Mary
- Waters, Mrs
- Watkins, Kennett
- Watkins, Stephen
- Watkins, William Montague Nevin
- Watson, Fred
- Watts, William Reuben
- Waymouth, Alice
- Waymouth, Elizabeth
- Waymouth, John
- Webber, John
- Welch, Joseph Sandell
- Welch, Nugent Herman
- Weld, Frederick Aloysius
- Weston, P. A
- Westropp, Richard
- Whetter, Edith
- Whitby, W. J. S.
- Whitcombe, Fraser
- White, Annie Julia
- White, Duncan
- White, K.
- White, Minnie F.
- Whiteman, Violet Emily
- Whitmore, G. E.
- Whyte, Alice F.
- Wicksteed, Emma Ancilla
- Wicksteed, John Tylston
- Wigmore, Robert
- Wildeblood, Seddon
- Wilkie, James
- Williams, Agnes Lydia
- Williams, Edward Arthur
- Williams, Edward Marsh
- Williams, G. P.
- Williams, Henry
- Williams, John
- Williams, May
- Willis, Archibald Duddington
- Willis, John S.
- Willis, John T.
- Wilson,
- Wilson, E. B.
- Wilson, George Henry
- Wilson, Laurence William
- Wimperis, A. Jane
- Wimperis, Edmund Monson
- Wimperis, Frances M.
- Wimperis, Susanna White
- Wood,
- Wood, A. S.
- Wood, Eliza Agness
- Wood, Eliza Agness
- Woodfield, Mark William
- Woodhouse, Edith W
- Woods, Henry George
- Woodward, Margaret
- Woolley, George Ernest
- Woolnough, Kate Emma
- Worley, F. P.
- Worsley, Charles Nathaniel
- Worth, H. B.
- Wrigg, Harry C. W.
- Wright, B. McGregor
- Wright, F. W.
- Wright, Frank
- Wright, Walter
- Wright, William H.
- Wright-Curtis, Betsey
- Wyatt, T. H
- Wyley, Joseph
- Wylie, J. T.
- Wynyard, Robert Henry
- Wyvill, Edward C.