Concise Dictionary of New Zealand Artists

All these artists appear in the book Concise Dictionary of New Zealand Artists
Painters, Printmakers, Sculptors by Kate McGahey, published by Gilt Edge in 2000. This book is widely available in New Zealand libraries.
You can receive a free copy by signing up for updates at Heritage Art Auctions in Whanganui.
Some of the information in this publication is now known to be incorrect. Where we discover this we record the details of our evidence and adjust our records accordingly. The original publication obviously remains unchanged.
1333 artists
- Abbot, Edward Immyns
- Abraham, Caroline Harriet
- Acland, Bessie
- Adam, John S
- Adsett, Sandy
- Agate, Alfred T.
- Aitken, Chrystabel
- Akins, Florence
- Albrecht, Gretchen
- Aldis, Albert Edward
- Alexander, Fred
- Alexander, John Hood
- Allen, George Frederic
- Allen, Jim
- Allen, W. H.
- Allom, Albert James
- Allwood, Stephen
- Anderson, Robert N.
- Andrew, John
- Angas, George French
- Angus, Rita
- Annesley, Mabel
- Anscombe, Eliza
- Apple, Billy
- Arden, Francis Hamar
- Arden, Hamar Humphrey
- Aris, Bernard
- Arlidge, Clive
- Armitage, David
- Armstrong, Michael
- Arndt, Mina
- Arthur, William
- Ash, John Willsteed
- Ashken, Tanya
- Ashworth, Edward
- Askew, Maurice
- Atcherley, Henry Mount Langton
- Atkinson, Esmond Hurworth
- Atkinson, Robert
- Attwood, Thomas Reginald
- Aubrey, Christopher
- Babbage, Herbert
- Backhouse, John Philemon
- Badcock, Douglas
- Badcock, John
- Bagnall, Percy
- Baillie, John Denzil
- Baird, Annie
- Baird, Kingsley
- Baker, William George
- Balfour, James
- Ball, Derek
- Ball, Murray
- Ball, Thomas
- Ballantyne, Kenneth Morrin
- Baloghy, George
- Bambridge, William
- Bambury, Stephen
- Banbury, Grant
- Bancroft, Ria
- Banwell, Ingrid
- Barc, Helen
- Barker, Alfred Charles
- Barker, David
- Barnes, Drury Richard
- Barnes, Frank
- Barnes, W. Rodney
- Barnicoat, John Wallis
- Barns-Graham, Allan Barclay
- Barraud, Charles Decimus
- Barraud, E. Noel
- Barraud, William Francis
- Barton, Cranleigh
- Bascand, Audrey
- Bates, Henry Stratton
- Bathgate, Janet
- Batten, Juliet
- Baverstock, William S.
- Baxter, Alfred E.
- Baxter, John
- Beadle, Paul
- Beadle, Peter
- Beale, George Clarendon
- Beauchamp, Robert Proctor
- Beck, Brigid
- Beere, Daniel Manders
- Beere, Gerald Butler
- Beetham, Richmond
- Beetham, William
- Begg, Samuel
- Bell, Francis Dillon
- Bellairs, Edmund Hooke Wilson
- Bennett, Graham
- Bensemann, Leo
- Berry, Elizabeth
- Berry, James
- Berry, Laurence
- Best, Madeline
- Bestall, Leo D.
- Bethune, Phyllis Drummond
- Bett, Elva
- Bianchi, F. O
- Bickerton, Charles E
- Bidwell, Bridget Carne
- Binding, Wellesley
- Binney, Don
- Binzer, William
- Bird, Rata
- Bischoff, Charles Ferdinand
- Bishop, Vivien C.
- Blacke, Annie Taylor
- Blackett, John
- Blair, Mary Ramsay Ellen
- Blair, Philippa
- Bleazard, Clara
- Bleazard, Eden Emma
- Blomfield, Bessie
- Blomfield, Charles
- Blomfield, Joan
- Blow, Michael
- Blunt, Edith Blanche
- Boberg, Ingrid
- Boelee, Rudolf
- Boer, Andrew de
- Bogle, Andrew
- Bollard, William Allen
- Boodle, Walter
- Booth, Chris
- Booth, Leonard
- Boswell, Edward Blair Buchanan
- Boswell, James
- Bowring, Walter Armiger
- Bracey, Edward N.
- Braddock, Christopher
- Braddock, Graham
- Braithwaite, Joanna
- Branfill, Benjamin
- Brassington, Claudius
- Brassington, William
- Braunias, Mark
- Brebner, Alison Eva
- Brebner, John
- Brees, Samuel Charles
- Brenkley, Jane
- Brenner, Fernanda
- Breton, Louis Le
- Bridge, Cyprian
- Brierly, Oswald Walter
- Brock, John
- Brookbanks, Glenys
- Brooke, André
- Brookes, Edward Stanley
- Brookesmith, Frank
- Brown, Helen
- Brown, Ion
- Brown, James
- Brown, Jeff
- Brown, Jessie
- Brown, Nigel
- Brown, Peter
- Brown, Vernon A.
- Browne, Kathleen
- Browne, Mary Louise
- Browne, Michael
- Browne, Ruth D.
- Browning, John
- Brunsden, Clifford
- Brunton, Fanny W
- Bryant, Chris
- Buchanan, Dean
- Buchanan, Elizabeth
- Buchanan, John
- Buckland, Elizabeth
- Buckland, Jessie Lillian
- Buckland-Wright, John
- Budd, L.
- Buller, Arthur Perceval
- Bullied, George Lawrence
- Bullmore, Edward
- Bullmore, Marianna
- Bullock, Margaret
- Bunbury, Thomas
- Bunney, J.
- Burdon, Shaun
- Burge, Maud
- Burns, Angela
- Burton, Sally
- Busch, Heather
- Bustin, Debra
- Butler, George Edmund
- Butler, Grace
- Butler, Margaret
- Butler, Samuel
- Byles, W. Hounsom
- Cairncross, Sam
- Cambridge, Allan Bowles
- Campbell, Brian
- Campbell, Jenny
- Campbell, Jonathan
- Campbell, Joyce
- Campbell, Rosemary
- Canaday, Molly Morpeth
- Cane, Chris
- Cane, Thomas
- Carbery, Andrew R Dillion
- Carew, Keggie
- Carey, Ida H.
- Carkeek, Helene
- Carrington, G. W.
- Carter, Alby
- Carter-Hansen, Jill
- Chadwick, Tim
- Chapman, Alfred
- Chapman, Ernest Arthur
- Chapman, Frederic Revans
- Chapman, Vera
- Chapman, W. Ernest
- Charlton, James
- Chaytor, Susan
- Chazal, Antoine Toussaint de
- Cheer, David
- Cheeseman, Emma
- Cheeseman, Thomas
- Cherrie, Derrick
- Chevalier, Nicholas
- Chilcott, Gavin
- Ching, Raymond Harris
- Christensen, Leigh
- Christie, Bessie
- Christmas, E. W.
- Clairmont, Philip
- Clark, Russell
- Clarke, Cuthbert Charles
- Clarke, Stephen
- Clayton, George Thomas
- Clayton, Matthew Thomas
- Cleavin, Barry
- Clement, James
- Cleveley, James
- Cleveley, John
- Cleverley, Peter
- Clouston, Alison
- Clouston, R. S.
- Coates, Isaac
- Coats, Liz
- Cockerell, E. A.
- Coe, James Bowkett
- Cole, Herbert Robert
- Cole, Ruth
- Colenso, William
- Coley, John
- Collier, Craig
- Collier, Edith
- Collins, Alan G.
- Collins, Gary
- Collins, Tracey
- Collinson, Fergus
- Conrad, Christina
- Cooch, William J.
- Cook, Alfred
- Cook, James
- Cooke, Morgan
- Cooke, Sue
- Coolahan, Kate
- Coomber, T. W.
- Cooper, Alfred John
- Cooper, Thornhill
- Cooper, William Marshall
- Copeland, Dale
- Copeland, Ivy
- Copland, Denise
- Corballetto, Chiara
- Cornish, Bronwynne
- Cornwell, Graeme
- Cotton, Shane
- Cousins, Thomas Selby
- Coventry, F. H.
- Cowan, Roy
- Cowie, Derek
- Cramond, Peter
- Cranwell, Lucille
- Crawford, James Coutts
- Cridland, Henry John
- Crippen, J. W.
- Crook, Gordon
- Crooks, Lindsay
- Cross, Mark
- Crossman, Wallace
- Cubey, Michael
- Culbert, Bill
- Cullen, Paul
- Cumming, Grace
- Cumming, William Walter
- Cummings, Vera
- Curnow, Betty
- Cuthbertson, John Robert
- Cutten, James Leonard Beechworth
- Dadson, Phil
- Daff, Lillian Atty
- Dagley, Arthur
- Dalgarno, Roy
- Darragh, Judy
- Darroch, Duncan
- Dashper, Julian
- Davies, Austin
- Davies, Shona Rapira
- Davis, Frank
- Davis, Josephine
- Dawe, Bing
- Dawson, Neil
- Day, Melvin N.
- de Freitas, Nancy
- de Lange, Angus
- de Lautour, Tony
- De Painter, Jonny
- de Ritz, Pseudonym for H.T. Garratt
- de Sainson, Louis Auguste
- de Vel, Gaston
- De Vidts, Marechal Theodore Rene Stanislas
- De Wagt, Janet
- Dean, Frank
- Deans, Austen
- Deverell, Walter
- Dew, Bryan
- Dibble, Paul
- Dickinson, Frank
- Dickison, Roy
- Dilly, George
- Dittmer, Wilhelm
- Dixon, Geoff
- Dobie, Beatrix C.
- Dobson, Edward
- Docking, Shay
- Doesburg, Inge
- Dolezel, Jenny
- Domett, Alfred
- Donald, Mary
- Donn, Robert
- Donovan, Peter
- Donovan-Lindsay, Huia
- Doudney, Eric J.
- Douglas, Charles Edward
- Douglas, Jolene
- Dournaf, Peter
- Downes, Thomas William
- Drake, James Charles
- Drawbridge, John
- Driver, Don
- Driver, Neil
- Drummond, Andrew
- Drummond, T. L
- Duff, Alison
- Duncan, John Cam
- Dunn, Bessie Dyke
- Dunn, Charles Arthur
- Dunning, William
- Duppa, George
- Dutch, Ted
- Dutton, Thomas Goldsworthy
- Dyer, Rona
- Eaden, John
- Eady, Scott
- Eagle, Allie
- Earle, Augustus
- Eastwood, James
- Eastwood, William
- Eaton, Michael
- Edgar, John
- Edwards, George
- Edwards, Victoria
- Edwin, Irene
- Edwin, Robert Atherton
- Eichelbaum, Vera
- Einhorn, Julie
- Eise, Ida
- Elliot, Margaret
- Elliott, George
- Elliott, Reiko
- Ellis, Francis
- Ellis, Frederick
- Ellis, Joseph M.
- Ellis, Robert
- Elmore, Margaret
- Elsom, Vy
- Elwes, M.
- Esplin, Clark
- Esplin, Tom
- Evans, Frederick John Owen
- Evans, Jane
- Evans, Lewis
- Every, Simon Frederick
- Eyre, Jane
- Fahey, Jacqueline
- Faigan, Violet
- Fairburn, A. R. D.
- Fairburn, Edwin
- Fairburn, Geoff
- Fallwell, Alice
- Fanning, Joan
- Farr, Samuel Coleridge
- Fawcett, George
- Featon, Sarah Ann
- Fell, Charles Yates
- Fell, Walter
- Ferrier, William
- Feu'u, Fatu
- Ffitch, Henry
- Field, Isabel
- Field, Robert Nettleton
- Field, Tom
- Fife, Ivy
- Fisher, A. J. C.
- Fisher, Charlotte
- Fitchett, Margaret
- Fitler, William Crothers
- Fitzgerald, James Edward
- Fitzherbert, William Alfred
- Fleming, Rona
- Fletcher, Blythe
- Fletcher, Frances Ann
- Florance, Augustus H.
- Fodor, George F.
- Foley, Herb
- Fomison, Tony
- Fong, Luise
- Foote, Hamish
- Forbes, Tabatha
- Ford, John Bevan
- Forrester, John
- Forster, Gayle
- Forster, Johann Georg Adam
- Forster, W.
- Foster, Charles William
- Foster, John
- Foster, Pat
- Fox, William
- France, Patricia
- Francis, Heather
- Franken, Robert
- Fraser, Alexander R.
- Fraser, Jock Edward
- Fraser, Malcolm
- Fraser , Neil Ross
- Frazer, Neil Ross
- Freemantle, Gary
- Fristrom, Edward
- Frizzell, Dick
- Frood, Hester
- Fry, Pat
- Fuller, E. Murray
- Fulton, Robert
- Fulton, W. W.
- Fumpston, Rodney
- Garcia-Alvarez, Alberto
- Garratt, Henry Thomas
- Garrity, Timothy
- Gascoigne, Rosalie
- Gash, M.
- Gault, G A
- Gaut, Joseph
- Geisler, Wilhelm
- Geisow, Kitty
- Gibb, John
- Gibbard, Lilian
- Gibbs, Steve
- Gibson, Robin
- Gibson-Smith, Peter
- Gifford, A. C.
- Gifford, E. A.
- Gilbert, Tanya
- Gilderdale, Alan
- Gilfillan, John Alexander
- Gill, Robert Askew
- Gimblett, Max
- Ginn, Ellinore
- Gold, Charles Emilius
- Goldberg, Suzanne
- Goldie, Charles Frederick
- Good, Fanny
- Good, Thomas
- Goodwin, Arnold
- Gopas, Rudolf
- Gordon Cumming, Constance
- Gore, Henry Moreland
- Gouldsmith, Edmund
- Graham, Barbara
- Graham, Brett
- Graham, David
- Graham, Frederick
- Grant, June
- Grant, Lyonel
- Gray, Angus
- Gray, Ross
- Greathead, Aston
- Green, Samuel Edwy
- Green, Thelma de Lancy
- Green, Tom
- Green, William Spotswood
- Greene, William
- Greenwood, John Danforth
- Greenwood, Sarah
- Gregory, Christine
- Greig, Jason
- Grimsdale, Murray
- Gross, Frank
- Gross, Richard Oliver
- Grubb, Alexander Henry Watkins
- Guerin, David
- Gulliver, T. V.
- Gully, John
- Gunn, Angela A
- Gwynne-Evans, Hester
- Haast, Julius von
- Haddon, Oriwa Tahupotiki
- Haffern, Gail
- Hailstone, Max
- Halcombe, Edith Stanway
- Haley, John
- Halliday, Brian
- Hamblett, Anne
- Hamilton, Andrew
- Hamilton, Augustus
- Hamilton, William James Warburton
- Hamley, Joseph Osbertus C.B.
- Hammon, G. Hamilton
- Hammond, Bill
- Hamon, Rei
- Hanly, Pat
- Hanna, Grant
- Hanson, Albert J.
- Harper, Emily Weddell
- Harper, Valerie
- Harris, Edwin
- Harris, Emily Cumming
- Harris, Jeffrey
- Harris, Steve
- Harrison, Malcolm
- Harrison, Michael
- Harrison, Michael Charlton
- Harrison, Robert
- Hartigan, Paul
- Hartley, Margaret
- Haszard, Rhona
- Hatton, W. S.
- Hawcridge, Robert
- Hawkins, William Webster
- Hay-Campbell, Charles Duncan
- Haylock, Arthur Lagden
- Heaphy, Charles
- Heaphy, Chris
- Heath, Geoffrey H.
- Hector, James
- Heinz, Valerie Olga
- Hellaby, Richard S.
- Hellyar, Christine
- Helmore, D. W.
- Hemera, Ross
- Hemmens, Steven
- Hemus, Charles
- Henderson, David
- Henderson, Louise
- Herdman-Smith, Robert
- Hetley, Georgina
- Hickin, Roger
- Higgs, Avis
- Higgs, Sydney Hamlet
- Highfield, Camilla
- Hight, Michael
- Hill, Ivan
- Hill, Mabel
- Hilliard, George R.
- Hipkins, Roland
- Hipwell, Arthur C
- Ho, Ben
- Hocken, Elizabeth Mary
- Hodges, William
- Hodgkins, Frances
- Hodgkins, Isabel Jane
- Hodgkins, Percy D'Esterre
- Hodgkins, William Mathew
- Hogan, Patrick Joseph
- Hollings, Anna
- Hollings, Russell
- Hollobon, Jesse
- Holloway, Margaret Brenda
- Holmes, Alice Hester
- Holmes, Annie Julia
- Holmes, W. H.
- Holmwood, John
- Homeyer, Elizabeth
- Honour, Basil
- Hope, Esther Studholme
- Hope, Gabrielle
- Horner, John
- Horridge, Herbert
- Horsley, Jean
- Hos, Kees
- Hotere, Ralph
- Howorth, Charles Henry
- Hoyte, J. C.
- Hubbard, Percy
- Huddleston, Fortescue Francis Croft
- Hudson-Ware, Margaret
- Hughes, Eleanor
- Hughes, Robyn
- Humphreys, Clive
- Hundertwasser, Friedensreich
- Hunt, Bruce
- Hunt, Frances
- Hunter, Alexis
- Hunter, George
- Hurrell, John
- Huston, Ruby
- Hutchins, Mark
- Hutchinson, Allen
- Hutchinson, Paul
- Hutton, David E.
- Hutton, John
- Hutton, Nellie
- Hutton, Thomas Biddulph
- Jackson, Blair
- Jackson, Emily
- Jackson, Kase
- Jackson, Paul
- Jackson, Russell
- Jahnke, Robert
- James, Bryan
- James, Linda
- Jameson, Cecil Stuart
- Jamieson, Vera
- Jansen, Monique
- Janssen, Peter
- Janssen, Theo
- Jarvie, Juliana
- Jeans, Eana B.
- Jeffreys, Elizabeth Georgiana
- Jeffreys, Ellen Penelope
- Jeffreys, Gertrude Sarah
- Jeffreys, William Richard
- Jenkin, Thomas Hugh
- Jervis, Ian
- Jesson, Robert
- Jimnez, Niki
- Joachim, Susanna White
- Joel, Grace
- Johnson, John
- Johnson, John Grant
- Johnson, Rosemary
- Johnson, W. Robert
- Johnston, John Tremenhere
- Johnstone, James
- Jones, Dorothy H.
- Jones, Dudley William Cormalt
- Jones, Morgan
- Jones, Nina Lucy Mary
- Jones, Theodore Morton
- Jones, William
- Jury, Henry
- Kahukiwa, Robyn
- Kaiser, Lesley
- Karaka, Emily
- Kavanagh, John Francis
- Kay, Mary
- Kay, Robin
- Kedgley, Helen
- Kelly, A. Elizabeth
- Kelly, Cecil
- Kendon, Elizabeth
- Kennedy, Rodney
- Kenny, Nelson
- Kettle, Charles Henry
- Kidson, Charles
- Kidson, Elsa
- Killeen, Richard
- Kimbell, Maud
- Kinder, John
- King, Marcus
- King, Martha
- King, Mary
- King, Virginia
- Kirkpatrick, Myra
- Kirkwood, Henry William
- Knight, Gwen
- Koglmeier, Siegfried
- Kreisler, Tom
- Kum, Denise
- L'Estrange, Joe
- Laishley, Richard
- Laita, Lily Aitui
- Lambert, Peter
- Lance, George
- Lander, Mark
- Lander, Maureen
- Lane, Myra A.
- Lane, Tony
- Lange, Darcy
- Lardelli, Derek
- Lasenby, Alwyn
- Lattey, Edward B
- Laugesen, Carl Thorwald
- Lawlor-Bartlett, Margaret
- Lawrence, Maree
- Le Breton, Louis
- le Jeune, Jules Louis
- Leach, Wendy
- Leary, Allan H.
- Lee, G. Lincoln
- Lee, Ina
- Lee, Owen R.
- Lee-Johnson, Eric
- Leek, Saskia
- Leenards, Gerda
- Left, Ron
- Leigh, Esther
- Lela'ulu, Nanette
- Leo, Iosefa
- Leslie, Walter J
- Lethbridge, John
- Lett, Barry
- Lewer, Richard
- Lewis, Louise
- Liardet, Wilbraham Frederick Evelyn
- Liley, Peter
- Lindauer, Gottfried
- Lingard, Grant
- Little, Ralph Townley
- Lloyd, Arthur John
- Lloyd, Connie
- Lloyd, Henry Grant
- Lloyd, Trevor
- Lothian, Alice R.
- Lovell-Smith, Colin
- Lovell-Smith, Rata
- Loxton, John S.
- Lusk, Doris
- Lyall, John
- Lye, Len
- Lynch, Julia
- Lyndon, Edward
- Lynn, Vivian
- Lysaght, Averil
- Lysaght, Lauren
- Lysaght, Mary Grace Caroline
- Lysaght, Sophia Augusta
- Mabille, Theophilus
- Macalister, Molly
- Macaskill, Jeanne
- MacDiarmid, Douglas
- MacFarlane, Quentin
- Mackay, Colin
- MacKenzie, Edward
- Macky, E. Spencer
- Maclennan, D. K.
- Maclennan, Stewart
- Macleod, Euan
- Madden, John
- Madden, John M.
- Maddox, Allen
- Madill, Kathryn
- Maguire, Marian
- Mahon, Sam
- Maihi, Toi Te Rito
- Mair, Eleanor Kate
- Major, Irvine
- Manchester, Catherine
- Mansfield, Edgar
- Manson, Ainslie G.
- Marsh, Ngaio
- Marshall, Marjory
- Marshall, Mary
- Marshall, Mary Frederica
- Martin, Albin
- Martin, J.
- Masters, Wendy
- Mathew, Felton
- Matthews, Marmaduke
- Maughan, Karl
- Mayo, Eileen
- McAra, Don
- McArthur, Piera
- McCahon, Colin
- McCarthy, Albert
- McCleverty, William Anson
- McCormack, T. A.
- McCosh Clark, Kate Emma
- McCracken, Francis
- McDonald, James Ingram
- McDougall, Ewan
- McDowell, Robert
- McDummypage, Dummy
- McFarlane, F. L.
- McFarlane, Mary
- McFarlane, Shona
- McIndoe, John Leslie
- McIndoe, Mabel
- McIndoe, Mary
- McIntyre, Barnard
- McIntyre, Peter
- McIntyre, Raymond
- McIntyre, Simon
- McIvor, Lois
- McKay, Claudia
- McKay, Jean
- McKenzie, Ronald
- McLauchlan, Cherie
- McLauchlan, Tui
- McLean, John
- McLellan, Max
- McLeod, Douglas J.
- McLeod, Rob
- McLintock, A. H.
- McMillan, Ian
- McPhee, Charles
- McWhannell, Richard
- Meadows, Gilbert
- Meeson, Dora
- Meinders, John
- Menzies, Carolyn
- Merrett, Joseph Jenner
- Merton, Owen
- Meryon, Charles
- Messenger, Arthur Herbert
- Michels, Jan
- Middleditch, John
- Millar, Judy
- Millar, Ruth
- Miller, Godfrey
- Miller, Harry Vye
- Miller, Neil
- Millin, Paul
- Mitchell, Derek
- Mitchell, Leonard Victor
- Mitford, John Guise
- Moffitt, Trevor
- Monkhouse, Thomas S.
- Monro, Cathryn
- Montgomery, William Hugh
- Moody, Muriel
- Moore, John Lysaght
- Moore, Michael
- Moore, William F.
- Moore-Jones, Horace
- Moreton, Samuel H.
- Morey De Morand, Colette
- Morison, Julia
- Morison, W. L.
- Morley, Michael
- Morris, Roger
- Morris, Simon
- Morrow, Arthur
- Morton, Mary
- Moultray, James Douglas
- Moultray, John Elder
- Mourant, Elise Constance
- Mrkusich, Milan
- Muggeridge, Marianne
- Muir, Jillian
- Munnings, Edith
- Munz, Anne
- Muru, Selwyn
- Mutch, Tom
- Nairn, Betsey
- Nairn, Frank
- Nairn, James
- Nakagawa, Kazu
- Nattrass, Luke
- Neilson, Don
- Nerli, Girolamo
- Nevill, Samuel Tarratt
- Ngan, Guy
- Nichol, John
- Nicholas, Darcy
- Nicholls, Peter C. F.
- Nicholson, John Howard
- Nicholson, Maria
- Nicholson, Michael
- Nicol, John
- Nicoll, Archibald
- Nigro, Gerry
- Nigro, Jan
- Nin, Buck
- Nisbet-Smith, Alistair
- Noordhof, Els
- Norman, Edmund
- North, Marianne
- Norton, Kevin
- O'Brien, George
- O'Connor, Denis
- O'Connor, Kathleen Laetitia
- O'Hagan, Peter
- O'Keefe, E. P.
- O'Keeffe, Alfred Henry
- O'Keeffe, Stephen Thomas
- O'Neill, Dave
- O'Neill, Irene
- O'Sullivan, Philip John James
- Oakley, John
- Ogden, Simon
- Ogier, Jo
- Ogston, Kate
- Olds, Paul
- Oliver, Richard Aldworth
- Olsen, Maria
- Oquet, Charo
- Orbell, Rachel Susan Christabel
- Ormerod, Penny
- Osborn, Daisy
- Osborne, Fanny
- Owens, Hilary
- Oxborough, John
- Packe, William
- Packo, Dirk
- Packwood, George
- Page, Evelyn
- Page, George Hyde
- Paine, Ralph
- Palethorpe, Joseph L.
- Palmer, Caroline Harriet
- Pankhurst, Alvin
- Panting, John
- Panyoczki, Peter
- Papas, John
- Parekowhai, Michael
- Park, Mary Alexander
- Park, Robert
- Parker, J. S.
- Parkinson, Sydney
- Parsons, Anton
- Partridge, Beatrice
- Patterson, Keith
- Pattle, H. H.
- Paul, Janet
- Paul, Joanna Margaret
- Payne, David J.
- Payton, Edward William
- Payton, Simon
- Pearce, Dawne
- Pearse, John
- Pearson, Alan
- Pearson, Chris
- Peebles, Don
- Peele, James
- Peerless, Thomas
- Pegler, Johanna
- Penisula, Lyle Tavita
- Perkins, Christopher
- Perrett, John Douglas
- Perry, John
- Peter, Juliet
- Pheney, Richard Cliff Francis
- Pheney, Robert Francis Vaughan
- Philips, Margot
- Pick, Seraphine
- Pickmere, Alison
- Pieters, Kim
- Pine, Matt
- Piron, M.
- Platts, Una
- Polack, Joel Samuel
- Polson, Evelyn
- Pond Eyley, Claudia
- Ponder, Michael
- Pope, Eleanor L.
- Porter, Frederick
- Potts, William
- Pound, Patrick
- Pountney, Jane
- Powell, Terry
- Power, Harold Septimus
- Power, Peter
- Power, William Tyrone
- Preston, James
- Price, Phil
- Prince, Diane
- Pritchard, George Thompson
- Proctor, Robert
- Pruden, George E.
- Pule, John
- Purvis, Louise
- Radford, Paul
- Rae, Albert
- Rae, Jude
- Raftopoulos, Nicholas
- Ramage, Don
- Randerson, Glenda
- Rands, Colette
- Ranfurly, Constance Elizabeth
- Ransom, Peter
- Ranson, Peter
- Rastorfer, Lorraine
- Raworth, William Henry
- Rawson, Henry Freer
- Raymond, Val
- Reddaway, Richard
- Redmond, Monique
- Reed, John Keith
- Reed, Michael
- Reed, William James
- Rees, Elizabeth
- Register, Basil Bridge
- Reid, David
- Reynolds, John
- Rhodes, Joseph
- Rhodes, Pauline
- Richardson, Fanny
- Richardson, H Linley
- Richmond, Dorothy Kate
- Richmond, James Crowe
- Rickard, Bruce
- Ridings, Kate
- Riley, Arthur Dewhurst
- Ritchie, John
- Ritchie, Ross
- Robertshaw, Des
- Robertson, Andrew
- Robertson, Thomas
- Robertson, Vivian
- Robinson, John
- Robinson, Ken
- Robinson, Peter
- Robley, Horatio Gordon
- Roche, Peter
- Rockel, Helen Margaret
- Ross, James
- Rossell, Mark
- Rowe, George Curtis Fawcett
- Ruifrok, Wilhelmus C.
- Rundle, John
- Rush, Anne
- Ryan, Thomas
- Ryde, Alison
- Sadd, Charlotte Ann
- Sale, Molly D.
- Sandys, Edwin Robert Stapylton
- Savage, Cedric
- Saville-Busch, Heather
- Sawtell, E. Rosa
- Saxton, John Waring
- Scales, Flora
- Schmidt, Armin A.
- Schmidt, Jochen
- Schmidt, John Diedrich
- Schmidt, William
- Schoon, Theo
- Scott, Hugh
- Scott, Ian
- Scott, James F
- Scott, John Halliday
- Scott, John W.
- Scott, Margaret
- Scott, Norman
- Secto, Jason
- Seddon, Beatrice
- Sedgwick, F.
- Sells, Violet Emily
- Severs, Anne
- Seyb, Wayne
- Shanley, Nichola
- Sharpe, Alfred
- Shaw, George B.
- Sheenan, David
- Sheenan, Stephanie
- Shepheard, Carole
- Shepheard, Simon
- Shepherd, Michael
- Sherriff, George
- Sherwood, Maud
- Shewell, F. G.
- Shine, Cathryn
- Shirriffs, Paul Sinclair
- Shurrock, Francis A.
- Siddell, Peter
- Siddell, Sylvia
- Simmonds, Freda
- Sinclair, Andrew
- Skerman, Susan
- Sladden, Tom
- Smith, Joan Winifred
- Smith, Maurice Crompton
- Smith, May
- Smith, Peter
- Smith, Peter James
- Smith, Sidney
- Smith, Stephenson Percy
- Smith, Sydney Campbell
- Smith, William Mein
- Smither, Michael
- Smitheram, Neville
- Smolnicki, Basia
- Smyth, Ted
- Snowden, Graham
- Speers, Jim
- Spencer Bower, Olivia
- Spencer Bower, Rosa
- Sperrey, Kate
- Spicer, Archibald Hichens
- Spicer, Ella
- Spicer, Peggy
- Spill, Nicholas
- Sprott, William Kinlock
- Stack, Frederick Rice
- Stackhouse, John
- Stamper, Frances Ann
- Stanley, Owen
- Steele, Louis John
- Steinert, Vida
- Stenberg, Ron
- Sterndale, C. H. T.
- Steven, Mollie
- Stevens, Eion
- Stevens, Elizabeth
- Stevens, George Treacy
- Stevenson, Mike
- Stewart, Helen
- Stewart, John Tiffin
- Stichbury, Ilene Rosa
- Stoddart, Margaret
- Stones, Anthony
- Strathdee, Barbara
- Stringer, Terry
- Strong, Brian
- Strutt, William
- Strutton, Edith
- Studd, Frances Jill
- Sturtevant, George
- Sturtevant, George Neville
- Summers, Llewelyn
- Sutherland, Wallace
- Sutton, W. A.
- Swainson, Edith Stanway
- Swainson, George Frederick
- Swainson, Mary Frederica
- Swainson, William
- Swanney-MacPherson, Robin
- Swanson, William
- Swift, Rena
- Sydney, Grahame
- Sydow, Carl
- Sykes, F.
- Syme, Sue
- Symons, John Corker Vigers
- Szirmay, Marte
- Tahan, Mehrdad
- Takle, Grant
- Tan, Yuk King
- Tangahoe, Hariata Ropata
- Tapper, Garth
- Tarlton, John
- Taylor, Alan
- Taylor, Bronwyn
- Taylor, E. Mervyn
- Taylor, Richard
- Taylor, Rob
- Te Waru Rewiri, Kura
- Te Whata, Norman
- Temple, Edwyn Frederick
- Tercel, Dean
- Theodore, Sanjay
- Thomas, Mark
- Thomas, Michael
- Thompson, Ernest Heber
- Thompson, Margaret
- Thompson, Myra
- Thompson, Nelson
- Thompson, Pauline
- Thompson, Richard
- Thompson, Sydney Lough
- Thomson, Elizabeth
- Thomson, Jeff
- Thomson, John Turnbull
- Thomson, Sandra
- Thorburn, Ray
- Thornley, Geoff
- Thornley, Tiffany
- Tibbo, Teuane
- Tohi, Filipe 'Onevela
- Tole, Charles
- Tole, John
- Tombs, Harry Hugo
- Tornquist, Herbert
- Tovey, Gordon
- Townsend, Mary
- Travers, William Travers Locke
- Treadwell, Anthony L
- Trethewey, William Thomas
- Trevithick, James Garland
- Tricker, Gary
- Tripe, Mary Elizabeth
- Trusttum, Philip
- Tuffery, Michel
- Tukaokao, Tutie
- Tune, Geoff
- Turkington, James
- Turnbull, Henry Hume
- Turner, Dennis Knight
- Turner, E. J. Dorothy
- Turner, Ruth
- Twiss, Greer
- Tylee, Marion
- Valpy, Ellen Penelope
- Valpy, Penelope Caroline
- Van den Eijkel, Leon
- van der Velden, Petrus
- Van Haandel, Edith
- Van Hout, Ronnie
- Van Rangelrooy, Bianca
- Van't Hof, Rae
- Vane, Katherine Airini
- Veitch, John
- Vernon, Beatrix
- Vincent, Bodhi
- Viscoe, Warren
- Vivieaere, Jim
- von Guérard, Eugène
- Von hochstetter, Ferdinand
- Von Meyern, Ellen
- von Tempsky, Gustavus Ferdinand
- Waddell, Peter
- Wadham, William Joseph
- Wadworth, Wendy
- Waghorn, Reginald J.
- Wakelin, Roland
- Waldrom, Gary
- Walker, Max
- Wall, Edith
- Wallace, Harry
- Wallace, John
- Wallis, Wilfred Stanley
- Walls, Robert
- Wallwork, Elizabeth
- Wallwork, Richard
- Walsh, Alfred Wilson
- Walsh, John
- Walsh, Philip
- Walters, Gordon
- Ward, Barbara
- Ward, Vivian
- Warner, Thomas
- Warr, Malcolm
- Warre, Henry James
- Watkins, Denys
- Watkins, Kennett
- Watkins, William Montague Nevin
- Watson, Ruth
- Watson, Violet
- Wauchop, William Simon
- Way, Robert F.
- Webb, Marilynn Lois
- Webber, John
- Webster-Watson, Colin
- Weeks, Hilary
- Weeks, John
- Welch, Joseph Sandell
- Welch, Nugent Herman
- Weld, Frederick Aloysius
- West, Felicity
- West, Pearl
- Wheeler, Charles Arthur
- Wheeler, Colin
- White, A. Lois
- White, Annie Julia
- White, Jan
- White, Jonathan
- White, Minnie F.
- White, Robin
- Whitecliffe, Greg
- Whiteman, Violet Emily
- Whyte, Alice F.
- Wichman, Peter
- Wickenden, Agnes
- Wicksteed, Emma Ancilla
- Wicksteed, John Tylston
- Wihongi, Allen
- Wilding, Cora
- Wilkie, James
- Williams, Caroline
- Williams, Delyn
- Williams, Edward Arthur
- Williams, Eila
- Williams, Henry
- Williams, John
- Williams, Mervyn
- Willis, Archibald Duddington
- Wilson, Arnold Manaaki
- Wilson, Carin
- Wilson, Laurence William
- Wilson, Susan
- Wilson, Tracey
- Wimperis, A. Jane
- Wimperis, Edmund Monson
- Wimperis, Frances M.
- Wimperis, Susanna White
- Wiseman, Hilda
- Wolfe, Pamela
- Womble, Frank
- Wong, Brent
- Wong, Sing Tai
- Wood, Agnes
- Wood, Beatrice
- Woodfield, Mark William
- Woodruffe, Paul
- Woods, George
- Woodward, Steve
- Wooley, George Ernest
- Woollaston, Toss
- Woolley, George Ernest
- Woolnough, Kate Emma
- Worsley, Charles Nathaniel
- Wright, Frank
- Wright, Walter
- Wright, William H.
- Wright-Curtis, Betsey
- Wynn, Colin
- Wynyard, Robert Henry