Robert and Barbara Stewart Library and Archives, Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū

All these artists have an artist file at the Robert and Barbara Stewart Library and Archives at Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū.
What is an artist file? A real file containing notes, clippings, reviews, invitations - in fact almost anything!
Where are they? Christchurch.
How do I see them? By visiting the library.
How do I arrange this? By emailing the librarian or calling +64 (0) 3 941 7394.
Artist files at this location are still being actively collected, focusing on the artists whose work is in the Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū's main art collection. New files are created for artists whose work is newly acquired. Such new files will almost always be for New Zealand artists. The Library also has artist files for non New Zealanders, but these are not listed here.
1096 artists
- Abbott, Marie
- Aberhart, Laurence
- Adams, Mark
- Adams, Richard
- Adkin, George Leslie
- Adler, Nick
- Adsett, Sandy
- Aitken, Chrystabel
- Akins, Florence
- Albrecht, Gretchen
- Alexander, Edith Winifred
- Alexander, Richard
- Allan, Robert Weir
- Allen, Davida
- Allen, Jim
- Allen, Ngapine
- Allen, W. H.
- Allison, Jocelyn
- Allwood, Stephen
- Amituanai, Edith
- Amundsen, Fiona
- Andersen, Brett
- Anderson, Kathy
- Andrew, John
- Andrew, Teresa
- Angeles, Dita
- Angelo, Maurice
- Angus, Rita
- Anselmi, Catherine
- Apple, Billy
- Apse, Aina
- Archdall, Esther
- Armitage, David
- Armstrong, Michael
- Arndt, Mina
- Arnold, Leonie
- Arps, Dan
- Ashken, Tanya
- Askew, Maurice
- Atcherley, Henry Mount Langton
- Atkinson, Raewyn
- Auton, Jonathan
- Badcock, Douglas
- Badcock, John
- Baigent, Lawrence
- Baird, Annie
- Baird, Kingsley
- Balfour, James
- Ball, Derek
- Ball, Gertrude
- Ball, Martin
- Baloghy, George
- Banbury, Grant
- Bancroft, Ria
- Bannan, Oscar
- Banwell, Ingrid
- Baraki, Bashir
- Barker, David
- Barnes, Pamela
- Barrar, Wayne
- Barraud, Charles Decimus
- Barron, Nola
- Barton, Cranleigh
- Barton, Graham
- Bashford, Vivienne
- Batten, Juliet
- Baverstock, William S.
- Baxter, Alfred E.
- Bayly, Janet
- Beadle, Paul
- Beauchamp, Tom
- Beehre, Aaron
- Beehre, Hannah
- Beere, Alfred
- Bell, Robert
- Bell, Victoria
- Benge, Harvey
- Benham, M.
- Bennett, Graham
- Bennetts, Leonard
- Bensemann, Leo
- Berezovsky, Victor
- Berry, Laurence
- Berzins, Gita
- Best, Hugh
- Bickerton, Charles E
- Binney, Don
- Bishop, Gavin
- Bishop, Vivien C.
- Black, Peter
- Blair, Bridget
- Blair, David
- Blair, Philippa
- Blight, Priscilla
- Blumhardt, Doreen
- Blunt, Edith Blanche
- Bodvin, Clay
- Body, Jack
- Boelee, Rudolf
- Bond, Luanne
- Bond, Tony
- Booth, Chris
- Booth, Leonard
- Bornholdt, Wendy
- Boroughs, Justin
- Borren, Anneke
- Boswell, James
- Boswijk, Christine
- Bosworth, Rhondda
- Bowmer, Ian
- Bowring, Walter Armiger
- Boyask, Ruth
- Bracey, Edward N.
- Braddock, Christopher
- Braithwaite, Joanna
- Brake, Brian
- Brandt, Bill
- Brassington, A. C.
- Brassington, William
- Braunias, Mark
- Brickell, Barry
- Brierley, Freda
- Bright, Mitchell
- Brisley, Stuart
- Brockhurst, Gerald
- Brokenshire, David
- Brookbanks, Glenys
- Brooke, André
- Brough, Catherine
- Brown, Andrew Noel
- Brown, Cath
- Brown, Gordon H.
- Brown, Nigel
- Brown, Tim
- Browne, Kathleen
- Browne, Mary Louise
- Browne, Michael
- Browne, Ruth D.
- Brownson, Ronald
- Bruin, Kees
- Buchanan, Dean
- Buckland-Wright, John
- Buddle, Marion J.
- Bull, Noeline
- Bullmore, Edward
- Bullmore, Marianna
- Burt, Gordon
- Burton, Sally
- Busch, Glenn
- Bustin, Debra
- Butler, George Edmund
- Butler, Grace
- Buxton, Nigel
- Cairncross, Sam
- Calder, Helen
- Calman, Matt
- Camden, Emma
- Cameron, Kirsty
- Cameron-Smith, Roberta
- Campbell, Grant
- Campbell, Joyce
- Campbell, Lee
- Campbell, Rosemary
- Canaday, Molly Morpeth
- Capon, Kevin
- Carew, Keggie
- Carey, Ida H.
- Carmichael, Elizabeth Annie
- Carr, Steve
- Carson, Peter
- Castle, Len
- Castle, Ruth
- Cauchi, Ben
- Chaffey, Jan
- Chaplin, Gillian
- Chapman, Paul
- Chapman, W. Ernest
- Charteris, Chris
- Chaytor, Susan
- Cheer, David
- Cheesman, Iain
- Cherrie, Derrick
- Chevalier, Nicholas
- Chilcott, Gavin
- Ching, Raymond Harris
- Chong, Liyen
- Clairmont, Philip
- Clark, Fiona
- Clark, Norm
- Clark, Russell
- Clarke, Stephen
- Clasby, Daniel
- Cleavin, Barry
- Clegg, David
- Clemens, Eddie
- Cleveland, Les
- Cleverley, Peter
- Clothier, Ian
- Coates, Andrew
- Coats, Liz
- Cole, Ruth
- Coley, John
- Collier, Edith
- Collins, Eliot
- Collins, Gary
- Collins, Graham
- Collins, Tracey
- Collinson, Fergus
- Connew, Bruce
- Connolly, Sally
- Connor, Fiona
- Conrad, Christina
- Cook, Alfred
- Cook, David
- Cook, James
- Cook, Noel
- Cooke, Sue
- Cooke, Ursula
- Coolahan, Kate
- Cooper, Helen
- Cooper, Jim
- Copeland, Dale
- Copeland, Ivy
- Copland, Denise
- Corban, Ben
- Corbelletto, Chiara
- Corbishley, Grant
- Cornish, Bronwynne
- Cornwell, Graeme
- Cotton, Shane
- Cousins, Thomas Selby
- Cree Brown, Chris
- Crene, Stephen
- Crook, Gordon
- Crook, Mary Rose
- Crooks, Lindsay
- Crooks, Susie
- Cross, Mark
- Crossman, Wallace
- Crow, Richard
- Crowe, Deborah
- Culbert, Bill
- Cullen, Paul
- Culliford, Eliza Gillett
- Culy, Ann
- Cumming, William Walter
- Curnow, Betty
- Curtis, Vera
- Dadson, Phil
- Daem, Elana
- Darragh, Judy
- Darroch, Duncan
- Dashper, Julian
- Davies, Austin
- Davies, Fiona
- Davies, Shona Rapira
- Davis, Harry
- Davis, May
- Dawe, Bing
- Dawson, Margaret
- Dawson, Neil
- Day, Melvin N.
- de Freitas, Nancy
- de la Mare, Mark
- de Lange, Gennie
- de Lautour, Tony
- de Sainson, Louis Auguste
- De Vries, Tjalling
- Deans, Austen
- Deans, Sarah
- Dell, Michael
- Demente, Donna
- Denny, Simon
- Depree, Mike
- Desoto, Anita
- Dibble, Paul
- Dickison, Roy
- Dixon, Geoff
- Dolezel, Jenny
- Downie, Gregory
- Drake, Paul Francis
- Drawbridge, John
- Driver, Don
- Drum, Belinda
- Drummond, Andrew
- Dukes, Joan
- Dunlop, Stefan
- Dunning, William
- Dutch, Doris
- Eagle, Allie
- Eastwood, Gladys
- Eaton, Michael
- Ebel, Michael
- Edgar, Joan
- Edgar, John
- Edwards, Simon
- Edwards, Victoria
- Einhorn, Julie
- Eiriksson, Enid
- Eise, Ida
- Elderton, Richard
- Elliot, Margaret
- Elliott, George
- Ellis, Frederick
- Ellis, Robert
- Elsbee, James
- Elsom, Vy
- Enberg, Oscar
- Endres, Simon
- Ernsten, Frederika
- Esplin, Tom
- Evans, Jane
- Every, Ferne
- Ewing, Jo
- Ewing, Kate
- Ewing, Lawrence
- Fahey, Jacqueline
- Faigan, Violet
- Ferrier, Finn
- Feu'u, Fatu
- Ffrench, Di
- Field, Robert Nettleton
- Field, Tom
- Fife, Ivy
- Finnerty, Margaret
- Fisher, Charlotte
- Fisher, Paul
- Fitzgerald, James
- Flanagan, Scott
- Fleming, Rona
- Fletcher, Blythe
- Floyd, Amanda
- Fogarty, Charles Watson
- Foggo, Cameron
- Fomison, Tony
- Fong, Luise
- Foote, Hamish
- Ford, John Bevan
- Forster, Gayle
- Foster, Bruce
- Fowler, Hayden
- Fox, William
- France, Patricia
- Franken, Robert
- Fraser, Don
- Fraser, Doreen
- Fraser, Jacqueline
- Frazer, Neil Ross
- Freemantle, Gary
- Friberg, Elizabeth Baird
- Friedlander, Marti
- Frizzell, Dick
- Fuller, E. Murray
- Fullmer, Steve
- Fumpston, Rodney
- Galloway, Matthew
- Garcia-Alvarez, Alberto
- Garrity, Timothy
- Gartside, Brian
- Gatfield, Gill
- Gear, Arthur Handel
- Geddes, Tony
- George, Darryn
- Gerard, B. D.
- Gerbic, Andrea
- Gibb, A Mildred
- Gibb, John
- Gibbs, Peter
- Gibbs, Steve
- Gibson-Smith, Peter
- Gill, Janice
- Gill, Robert Askew
- Gimblett, Max
- Glaister, Simon
- Gleeson, Stephen
- Godman, Lloyd
- Goldie, Charles Frederick
- Goodwin, Arnold
- Gopas, Rudolf
- Gordon, Tyne
- Gorman, Kristy
- Gould, Valerie
- Graham, Brett
- Graham, David
- Grant, Neil
- Gray, Ross
- Greathead, Aston
- Green, Ayesha
- Greenbank, Jacquelyn
- Greene, William
- Gregg, Kirsty
- Greig, James
- Greig, Jason
- Greig, Rhondda
- Grieshaber, Hap
- Griffith, Jones
- Griffiths, Gary
- Grimsdale, Murray
- Groot, Aiko
- Gully, John
- Gunn, Fiona
- Gurnsey, Frederick George
- Habgood, Noel
- Hadfield, Philip
- Haffern, Gail
- Hailstone, Max
- Haley, John
- Hall, Jason
- Hall, Ken
- Hammon, G. Hamilton
- Hammond, Bill
- Handscomb, Terrence
- Handyside, K. M.
- Hanly, Gil
- Hanly, Pat
- Hanna, Grant
- Hannken, Peter
- Hansen, Eugene
- Hargest, Miles
- Harold, Bryan
- Harper, Emily Weddell
- Harre, Rachel
- Harris, Jeffrey
- Harris, Steve
- Harrison, Elizabeth
- Harrison, Malcolm
- Harrison, Michael
- Harrison, Sam
- Harrow, Belinda
- Hartigan, Paul
- Harvie, Rick
- Hastings-McFall, Niki
- Haszard, Rhona
- Haydon, Kirsten
- Hayward, Glen
- Haywood, Paul
- Heaphy, Chris
- Hedwig, Murray
- Hegan, Campbell
- Heinz, Valerie Olga
- Hellyar, Christine
- Helmore, Des
- Hemer, Andre
- Hemera, Ross
- Henderson, Louise
- Herbert, Ian
- Hetet, Rangimarie
- Hewlett, Evelyn Jessie
- Hewson, Ngaire
- Hickin, Roger
- High, Brian
- Hight, Michael
- Hill, Georgie
- Hill, Mabel
- Hipkins, Gavin
- Hipwell, Arthur C
- Hitchcock, Geoff
- Hodge, Martin
- Hodgkins, Frances
- Hodgkins, William Mathew
- Holcroft, Allan Soanes
- Holderness, Julia Margaret
- Hollis, Kristin
- Holmes, Charles
- Holmes, W. H.
- Honour, Basil
- Hood, Robert
- Hope, Sally
- Horridge, Herbert
- Horsley, Jean
- Hotere, Ralph
- Howard, David
- Hoyte, J. C.
- Hudson-Ware, Margaret
- Hughes, Eleanor
- Hughes, Sara
- Humphreys, Clive
- Hundertwasser, Friedensreich
- Hunt, Doris
- Hunt, Jenny
- Hunter, Alexis
- Hurrell, John
- Hutchinson, Lonnie
- Hutson, Ian
- Hutton, David Con
- Hutton, John
- Jackson, Blair
- Jackson, Nicola
- Jackson, Paul
- Jackson, Scott
- Jaeger, Katharina
- Jahnke, Robert
- James, Bryan
- James, Linda
- Jamieson, James
- Jarosewitsch, Rena
- Jay-Martin, Josie
- Jenkinson, Megan
- Jervis, Ian
- Jesson, Robert
- Joel, Grace
- Johns, Paul
- Johnson, George
- Johnson, Paul
- Johnson, Rosemary
- Johnston, John
- Johnstone, James
- Jones, Locust
- Jones, Morgan
- Jowitt, Glenn
- Julius, Alice
- Kaan, Simon
- Kahukiwa, Robyn
- Kaiser, Lesley
- Kane, Gregory
- Karaka, Emily
- Kay, Mary
- Keith, Hamish
- Kelly, A. Elizabeth
- Kelly, Cecil
- Kelly, Felix
- Kerr, Sean
- Kidson, Charles
- Kihara, Yuki
- Killeen, Richard
- Kilty, Robyn
- Kim, Youngae
- Kinder, John
- King, Susan Te Kahurangi
- King, Virginia
- Kinsey, Joseph
- Knight, John N.
- Koglmeier, Siegfried
- Kohn,
- Kregar, Gregor
- Kreisler, Tom
- Kum, Denise
- Kyle, Elizabeth
- Laita, Lily Aitui
- Lamb, Naomi
- Lambert, Lynne
- Lander, Mark
- Lander, Maureen
- Lane, Tony
- Lange, Peter
- Langford, Joanna
- Larkin, Peata
- Lattey, Edward B
- Laughlin, Ian
- Law, Dorothy
- Lawler-Dormer, Deborah
- Lawrence, Simon
- Lawry, Billy
- Le Lievre, Marie
- Leach, Maddie
- Leary, Allan H.
- Lee, Owen R.
- Lee, Rozana
- Lee-Johnson, Eric
- Leek, Kristin
- Leek, Saskia
- Leenards, Gerda
- Left, Ron
- Leigh, Esther
- Lela'ulu, Nanette
- Leleisi'uao, Andy
- Lenihan, Marie
- Lethbridge, John
- Lewer, Richard
- Lindauer, Gottfried
- Lingard, Grant
- Lloyd, Trevor
- Lough, Ida
- Lovell-Smith, Colin
- Lovell-Smith, Rata
- Lovell-Smith, Richard
- Low, David
- Lucas, Cheryl
- Lucas, Eva
- Lucas, Sarah
- Lukey, Andrew
- Lusk, Doris
- Lust, Ed
- Luxton, Beverly
- Luxton, Colin
- Lye, Len
- Lye, Maurice
- Lynn, Vivian
- Lysaght, Lauren
- Macalister, Molly
- MacDiarmid, Douglas
- Macdonald, Lucy
- MacFarlane, Quentin
- MacKenzie, Edward
- Mackenzie, Stuart
- Maclennan, Stewart
- Macleod, Euan
- MacLeod, Melissa
- Macmillan Brown, Viola
- MacPherson, Mary
- Madden, John
- Madden, Peter
- Maddox, Allen
- Madill, Kathryn
- Maguire, Marian
- Mahon, Sam
- Main, Tim
- Major, Irvine
- Maling, Jason
- Manchester, Catherine
- Manning, Myke
- Mansfield, Edgar
- Manuel, Riki
- Marsh, Ngaio
- Martin, Bruce
- Martin, Leigh
- Martin, Roland
- Martinson, Paul
- Martyn, Adrienne
- Mason, Helen
- Matchitt, Gina
- Matchitt, Para
- Matheson, Jennifer
- Matthews, Christopher
- Maughan, Karl
- Maw, Liz
- Mayo, Eileen
- McArthur, Piera
- McCahon, Colin
- McCarthy, Albert
- McClure, Elizabeth
- McCormack, T. A.
- McCracken, Francis
- McDonald, Allan
- McDowell, Robert
- McDummypage, Dummy
- McEntyre, Mark
- McFarlane, Mary
- McFarlane, Scott
- McGlashen, Royce
- McGorry, Brendan
- McIntyre, Barnard
- McIntyre, Mary
- McIntyre, Peter
- McIntyre, Raymond
- McIntyre, Simon
- McIvor, Lois
- McKee, Anthony
- McKenna, Terrence
- McKenzie, Ronald
- McLauchlan, Rodger
- McLean, Alan
- McLean, Kate
- McLellan, Ivan
- McLeod, Andrew
- McLeod, Douglas J.
- McLeod, Rob
- McLintock, A. H.
- McQuarrie, Caroline
- McWhannell, Richard
- Meads, Patti
- Melzer, Belle
- Menzies, Carolyn
- Michaels, Michael
- Miles, Anna
- Millar, Judy
- Miller, Alan
- Miller, Godfrey
- Millwood, Adrienne
- Mitchell, Dane
- Mitchell, John
- Moar, Joanne
- Moffitt, Trevor
- Moir, Michelle
- Moore, Marcus
- Moreton, Samuel H.
- Morgan, Mike
- Moriarty, Peter
- Morice, Ada
- Morison, Julia
- Morley, Michael
- Morris, Simon
- Morrison, Robin
- Mortimer, Roger
- Mortimer, Solomon
- Moses, Russell
- Mountfort, Vivienne
- Mrkusich, Milan
- Muggeridge, Marianne
- Mulqueen, Stephen
- Murray, David
- Murray, Phil
- Muru, Selwyn
- Mutch, Tom
- Nairn, James
- Nakagawa, Kazu
- Narbey, Todd
- Narbey, Vanessa
- Nash, Garry
- Nathan, Manos
- Naylor, Marjorie
- Neal, Alexis
- Nealie, Chester
- Neate, Robin
- Neilson, Don
- Nepia, Moana
- Nerli, Girolamo
- Neville, Louis
- Nicholas, Darcy
- Nicholls, Peter C. F.
- Nicoll, Archibald
- Nielsen, Valerie
- Nightingale, Brenda
- Nigro, Jan
- Nin, Buck
- Nisbet-Smith, Alistair
- Noble, Anne
- Noonan, Clare
- Noordhof, Els
- Norman, Edmund
- Norton, Frank
- Padovan, Renzo
- Page, Evelyn
- Page, Stuart
- Paine, Ralph
- Palmer, Stanley
- Pankhurst, Alvin
- Panting, John
- Papas, John
- Pardington, Fiona
- Pardington, Neil
- Parekowhai, Michael
- Park, Lloyd
- Parker, Audrey
- Parker, John
- Parker, Richard
- Parkes, Miranda
- Parsons, Anton
- Pascoe, John Dobr'ee
- Paterson, Reuben
- Patience, Judy
- Paul, Janet
- Paul, Joanna Margaret
- Peele, James
- Perkins, Christopher
- Perkins, Oli
- Perrin, Patricia
- Perry, Rosemary
- Peryer, Peter
- Peter, Juliet
- Petre, Mike
- Pick, Rua
- Pickmere, Alison
- Pieters, Kim
- Pine, Matt
- Podstolski, Max
- Pohio, Nathan
- Pole, Chris
- Pond Eyley, Claudia
- Porteous, Meg
- Porter, Frederick
- Pound, Patrick
- Pountney, Jane
- Presants, Philip
- Price, Phil
- Prince, Diane
- Proctor, Robert
- Pule, John
- Purvis, Louise
- Rácz, László
- Radford, Paul
- Rae, Albert
- Rae, Jude
- Rakena, Rachel
- Randerson, Glenda
- Rankin, Mary
- Ransom, Peter
- Raos, Peter
- Raworth, William Henry
- Raymond, Maureen
- Rea-Menzies, Marilyn
- Reddaway, Richard
- Redmond, Monique
- Reed, Michael
- Reed, William James
- Reed, Wyn
- Rees, Elizabeth
- Reid, David
- Reihana, Lisa
- Reynolds, John
- Reynolds, Patrick
- Rhodes, Beverley
- Rhodes, Pauline
- Richards, Monica
- Richardson, H Linley
- Richmond, Dorothy Kate
- Richmond, James Crowe
- Riddell, Baye
- Riley, Julie
- Riley, Sylvia
- Ritchie, Ross
- Rivers, Kate
- Robb, Nicola
- Roberts, Stefan
- Robertson, Darryl
- Robertson, Dorothy
- Robinson, Ann
- Robinson, James
- Robinson, M. Anna
- Robinson, Peter
- Roche, Peter
- Rockel, Helen Margaret
- Ross, Flora
- Ross, James
- Rountree, Harry
- Royds, Julian
- Rudd, Rick
- Ruifrok, Wilhelmus C.
- Russell, Bruce
- Russell, David
- Rust, Yvonne
- Ryde, Alison
- Ryde, Nathan
- Ryley, Margaret
- Sameshima, Haru
- Sandys, Edwin Robert Stapylton
- Savage, Cedric
- Sawtell, E. Rosa
- Scales, Flora
- Scarvell, Julia
- Schoon, Theo
- Scott, Ian
- Scott, John
- Scott, Lily
- Scott, Makoure
- Scott, Tom
- Seyb, Wayne
- Seymour, Ava
- Shanks, Regan
- Shannon, Marie
- Sharpe, Alfred
- Sharpley, Una
- Shearer, Jenny
- Sheehan, Joe
- Sheehan, Stephanie
- Shelton, Ann
- Shennan, David
- Shepheard, Carole
- Shepherd, Michael
- Shepherd, Stuart
- Sherwood, Maud
- Shillito, Frances Mary
- Shin, Jeena
- Shine, Cathryn
- Shurrock, Francis A.
- Siddell, Peter
- Siddell, Sylvia
- Simpson, Cat
- Sloan, Yvonne
- Smisek, Mirek
- Smith, Barry Ross
- Smith, Deborah
- Smith, May
- Smith, Peter James
- Smith, Sidney
- Smither, Michael
- Somerville, Mandy
- Sorensen, Jill
- Sorrel, Jules Novena
- Speers, Jim
- Spencer Bower, Olivia
- Sperrey, Kate
- Spiller, Irene
- Spong, Sriwhana
- Sprott, William Kinlock
- Steel, George Albert
- Stephen, Edwin
- Stevens, Eion
- Stevenson, Michael
- Stewart, Bruce
- Stewart, Helen
- Stewart, Robyn
- Stoddart, Margaret
- Stone, Clive
- Stones, Anthony
- Storm, Graeme
- Straka, Heather
- Strathdee, Barbara
- Stratton, Richard
- Strauss, Marie
- Stringer, Terry
- Strutton, Edith
- Studd, Frances Jill
- Stupples, Ngaio
- Sullivan, Martin
- Summers, John
- Summers, Llewelyn
- Sutherland, Helen
- Sutton, W. A.
- Swan, Carrol
- Swanson, Zina
- Sydney, Grahame
- Sydow, Carl
- Syme, Sue
- Symonds, Henry
- Szirmay, Marte
- Tahiwi, Aromea
- Takle, Grant
- Tan, Yuk King
- Tangata, Paul
- Tapper, Garth
- Taratoa, Kelcy
- Tarlton, John
- Taylor, Bronwyn
- Taylor, E. Mervyn
- Taylor, Rob
- Taylor, Tom
- Te Waru Rewiri, Kura
- Tekela-Smith, Sofia
- Temple, Edwyn Frederick
- Thatcher, Tim
- Theodore, Sanjay
- Thomas, Michael
- Thomasson, J. M.
- Thompson, Ernest Heber
- Thompson, Paul
- Thompson, Pauline
- Thompson, Richard
- Thompson, Sydney Lough
- Thomson, Elizabeth
- Thomson, Jeff
- Thomson, Sandra
- Thorburn, Ray
- Thornley, Claire
- Thornley, Geoff
- Thornley, Roberta
- Thornley, Tiffany
- Thornton, Ceridwen
- Tippett, Warren
- Todd, Ione E
- Todd, Yvonne
- Tole, John
- Tomkins, Patricio
- Tomlinson, Henry Maitland
- Tonga, Ane
- Toohey, Frances
- Tootill, Jon
- Tornquist, Herbert
- Tothill, Mari
- Townsend, Mary
- Trethewey, William Thomas
- Trevelyan, Peter
- Tricker, Gary
- Tripe, Mary Elizabeth
- Trumic, Michael
- Trusttum, Philip
- Tuck, Barbara
- Tuffery, Michel
- Tuffery, Sheyne
- Tune, Geoff
- Turner, David
- Turner, Dennis Knight
- Turner, Gwenda
- Turner, Henry
- Tutill, Doris
- Tweedie, Merylyn
- Twiss, Greer
- Valentine, Rex
- Van de Loo, Cynthia
- Van den Bergh, Paul
- Van den Eijkel, Leon
- Van der Aa, Richard
- Van der Ploeg, Jan
- van der Velden, Petrus
- van Hout, Francis
- Van Hout, Ronnie
- Van Rangelrooy, Bianca
- Van Voorn, Saskia
- Vendelbosch, Carl
- Venrooy, Dean
- Verdcourt, Ann
- Viscoe, Warren
- Vivieaere, Jim
- von Tempsky, Gustavus Ferdinand
- Vreede, Marty
- Waddell, Peter
- Wall, Edith
- Wallace, James
- Walls, Maria
- Wallwork, Elizabeth
- Walsh, Alfred Wilson
- Walsh, John
- Walters, Gordon
- Ward, Barbara
- Warren, Miles
- Waters, Dorothy
- Watkins, Denys
- Watkins, Stephen
- Watkins, William Montague Nevin
- Watson, Randall
- Watson, Ruth
- Wauchop, William Simon
- Wearn, Richard
- Webb, Boyd
- Webb, Evan
- Webb, Lorraine
- Webb, Marilynn Lois
- Webber, Gerald Kingley
- Webster, Christine
- Weeks, John
- Welch, Nugent Herman
- Wells, Daegan
- Wells, Kate
- Welsford, Denise
- Wesney, Len
- Westra, Ans
- Westropp, Roland
- Wheeler, Colin
- White, A. Lois
- White, Elsie
- White, Robin
- Whitecliffe, Greg
- Whiting, Cliff
- Whitworth, Martin
- Whyte, Mark
- Wickenden, Agnes
- Wildey, A. E.
- Wilding, Cora
- Wilkinson, Areta
- Wilkinson, Brendon
- Williams, Caroline
- Williams, Mervyn
- Williamson, Ri
- Williamson, Shannon
- Willis, Michael
- Wilson, Arnold Manaaki
- Wilson, Judy McIntosh
- Wilson, Laurence William
- Wilson, Philippa
- Wilson, Susan
- Wilson, Tracey
- Wimperis, A. Jane
- Windhausen, Margriet
- Wiseman, Hilda
- Wishart, Betty
- Wolden, Peter
- Wolfe, Pamela
- Wong, Brent
- Wong, Sing Tai
- Wood, Agnes
- Woollaston, Toss
- Woollcombe, Ben
- Worsley, Charles Nathaniel
- Wotton, Richard
- Wright, Frank
- Wright, Gail
- Wright, McGregor
- Wylie, Grant